Certificates with SQL Server Protocol Encryption

  • Hi Folks,

    I am trying to get protocol encryption to work with SQL Server (forceencryption=true).

    It seems to work when I request a computer certificate on the server and import the certicate on the client trusted root authority certifcate store - if I make the sql server service account LocalSystem. If I make a domain account I get a handshake error.

    Can I use a domain account or even a local account would do as the sql server service account for protocol encryption? Any tips would be greatly recieved.

  • see Microsoft KB article for information on using SQL Server in FIPS 140-2 compliant mode:


    To configure encryption using SQL Server features:

    From the SQL Server Configuration Manager GUI:

    1. Expand SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration

    2. Right-click on Protocols for [instance name]

    3. Select Properties

    4. Select the Flags tab

    5. Select Yes for ForceEncryption from the pull-down options

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