Challenge to deal with XML file using ssis? ANy one can give the better solution

  • I have to do this using SSIS( BIDS) business integration tool. (DTS Transformations)

    I have to take XML file as a source file and get same XML file as a output file with different format.

    The input format of the XML file is shown below...

    <key> ABC <\key>

    <value>456<\value> like these i have so many rows

    and i need output file as...................


    I have to do this using ssis( BIDS) business integration tool

    i need suggestion, i need to take XML source from data flow source are or i need to take XML task from control flow task. What type of transformation i have to use.

  • Because your source XML file is sequential (you 've got key-value pairs) you need to peek ahead to compose a single row in the destination XML file based on two rows in the input.

    This peek ahead represents a slight problem that you I think can overcome by using a Conditional Split

    to redirect 1 row to table say named Key and another to table Value.

    So your tables will look like:

    Key Value

    ---- ------

    ABC 456

    DEF 789 etc.

    Now knowing that each row in these tables is a single record for your target XML file you can either use FOR XML AUTO T-SQL ( to get the file, or use Execute SQL Task to to feed a Script Component that will generate this XML file like described here:

  • Is this some sort of homework?

    If not, why do you have to use SSIS?

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