Change column in Rows

  • Hi , I have a table below where Item is repeated for type Parts and service.

               Item   Type   Cost_Of_Sales   Quantity
    11827350   Parts   11.5   2
    11827350   Service   5.880235   2
    55933075   Parts   7.25   1
    55933075   Service   22.8   3
    60326154   Parts   6.75   4
    60326161   Parts   0.292   1
    60327210   Parts   6.25   1
    60427220   Parts   5.75   1
    60427220   Service   3.70343   1
    64726175   Parts   18   2
    64726175   Service   24   2

    But i need to display itemNo once and cost of sales and quantity for Parts and Service in one line as below.

    No_   P_Cost_Of_Sales   P_Quantity   S_Cost_OF_Sales   S_Quantity
    11827350   11.5   2   5.880235   2
    55933075   7.25   1   22.8   3
    60326154   6.75   4   0   0
    60326161   0.292   1   0   0
    60327210   6.25   1   0   0
    60427220   5.75   1   3.70343   1
    64726175   18   2   24   2


  • USE [tempdb]

    DROP TABLE [dbo].[Test1];

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test1]
    (Item Varchar(10), [Type] Varchar(20), Cost_Of_Sales Decimal(12, 6), Quantity Int);

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Test1]
    ('11827350',        'Parts',    11.5,        2),
    ('11827350',        'Service',    5.880235,    2),
    ('55933075',        'Parts'    ,    7.25,        1),
    ('55933075',        'Service',    22.8,        3),
    ('60326154',        'Parts',    6.75,        4),
    ('60326161',        'Parts'    ,    0.292,        1),
    ('60327210',        'Parts',    6.25,        1),
    ('60427220',        'Parts'    ,    5.75,        1),
    ('60427220',        'Service',    3.70343,    1),
    ('64726175',        'Parts',    18,            2),
    ('64726175',        'Service',    24,            2);

    --SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Test1];

    SELECT [Item]
        ,P_Cost_Of_Sales = MAX(CASE WHEN [Type] = 'Parts' THEN Cost_Of_Sales ELSE 0 END)
        ,P_Quantity = MAX(CASE WHEN [Type] = 'Parts' THEN Quantity ELSE 0 END)
        ,S_Cost_OF_Sales = MAX(CASE WHEN [Type] = 'Service' THEN Cost_Of_Sales ELSE 0 END)
        ,S_Quantity = MAX(CASE WHEN [Type] = 'Service' THEN Quantity ELSE 0 END)
    FROM [dbo].[Test1]
    GROUP BY [Item];

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