Change Ownership of a Maintenance Plan

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Change Ownership of a Maintenance Plan

    Phill Carter

  • For any SQL 2005 guys who stumble upon this one: IN 2005 it's msdb.dbo.sysdtspackages90.

  • -- For 2005, here is a simple script:

    use msdb;


    update dbo.sysdtspackages90

    set ownersid = (

    select sid from msdb.sys.syslogins where name = 'LoginNameHere')

    where [name] = 'MaintenancePlanNameHere';


    -- and for 2000,

    use msdb;


    update sysdbmaintplans

    set owner = 'LoginNameHere'

    where plan_name = 'MaintenancePlanNameHere';

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