Changed Server Name

  • Background:

    We built a server to replace 'ServerA' a production server, while we were getting 'ServerB' ready we had it on the domain. We could connect to the server using Window Auth. with no problem.

    To do the production switch we took 'ServerB' and renamed it to 'ServerA'. We then did the sp_dropserver and sp_addserver name changes for SQL Server that worked and I can connect to the server with the sa account.

    I am guessing that something more needs to be done to allow the windows groups that are created during the SQL Server install to talk to the DNS server?

    The error I am getting when trying to connect with my domain account:

    Cannot generate SSPI context. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

    Any suggestions would be helpful.

  • SQL_Easy_btn? (8/3/2009)


    We built a server to replace 'ServerA' a production server, while we were getting 'ServerB' ready we had it on the domain. We could connect to the server using Window Auth. with no problem.

    To do the production switch we took 'ServerB' and renamed it to 'ServerA'. We then did the sp_dropserver and sp_addserver name changes for SQL Server that worked and I can connect to the server with the sa account.

    I am guessing that something more needs to be done to allow the windows groups that are created during the SQL Server install to talk to the DNS server?

    The error I am getting when trying to connect with my domain account:

    Cannot generate SSPI context. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

    Any suggestions would be helpful.

    These site look like they may be helpful to you:

  • Check the SPN records that were created - you probably need to remove the old ones and create new ones that point to the correct server instance.

    Jeffrey Williams
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  • For more information:

    There are two other instances on this server (3 total), both of which I have no problem connecting.

    I had just come across the kb article that pointed out the SPN numbers which are generated when the SQL Server starts and was going to look into that next. But, what I dont see is how to view what the current SPN number is.

  • It is not an SPN number - SPN stands for Service Principal Name and is a DNS type of entry. You need to download and install the SetSPN utility that comes with the Admin Kit for Windows 2003.

    Using the SetSPN utility from the command line, you would do the following:

    C:\SetSPN.exe -L {account}

    If you have a Windows Server 2008 box, you can log into that machine, launch Powershell and run the following:

    PS> SetSPN -Q MSSqlSvc/{server name}*

    Where {server name} is a prefix for the servers you want to find.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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