Changed server name causing problems

  • We have a SS2K5 server that we needed to in effect move to a new server when we implemented a new san solution; when we put moved the server to the new cluster environment it effectively reformatted our HD and left us with a blank slate. We knew this would happen and my boss had found an article that detailed copying files off to another server, installing SS2K5 on the newly reformatted server then copying certain files back over. Well this worked ok, except that for some various reasons, we needed to go from having a set server name of SQL401 to having to specify machine name and instance, and to rename the instance, so now we are clust401\sql401. I have updated all my SP's but I'm still having some issues mainly with Replication not working, it errors out saying:

    "SQL Server is unable to connect to server 'CLUST401\SQL401'.

    SQL Server replication requires the actual server name to make a connection to the server. Connections through a server alias, IP address, or any other alternate name are not supported. Specify the actual server name, 'SQL401'. (Replication.Utilities)"

    So it seems that it is still referencing the old server somehow. The only thing I can find is in the master..sysservers table there is a server name named "repl_distributor" and it is referencing a datasource of "SQL401", but I can't alter sysservers table. I saw an article for 2k that said you could do the following:

    * In SQL Enterprise Manager, Right-click the SQL Server and select Properties.

    * Click the "Server Settings" tab

    * In the "Server Behavior" panel, check "Allow modifications to be made directly to the system catalogs".

    but I can't see how to do that in 2k5.

    I'm running out of ideas, I'd prefer to just reinstall the SQL server and restore the DB's from backup and recreate the Replication and maintenance plans, and linked servers, but this has become some kind of mission for my boss, and he won't consider it.

    I'd appreciate help or direction?

  • select

    * from sys.configurations

    configuration_id name value minimum maximum value_in_use description is_dynamic is_advanced

    102 allow updates 0 0 1 0 Allow updates to system tables 1 0

    sp_configure (BOL)


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