Changing Source Table Name at Runtime

  • Hi,

    I have a source table which contains monthly data. Every month the name of the table changes to include the new month as follows:-

    November -> schemaname_table_name_1107

    December -> schemaname_table_name_1207

    January -> schemaname_table_name_0108


    I have a dataflow task that contains a source, data conversion and destination. I was wondering how I could change the source table name at runtime so that I don't have to manually change the name everytime I run the package.

    Just to be clear: the table structure is fixed, the first portion of the table name is fixed and the source database is fixed.

    I was thinking about variables however, I really don't know where to begin and how to go about it.


  • use "sp_rename" see BOL for more information.

  • sp_rename only works with SQL Server and my source is an oracle databse and I need to build an expression with the source to change table name everytime so I don't think it will work

  • In the data flow task, create a string variable User::varCommand and set the following properties:


    Expression="SELECT " +

    RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR, 2)MONTH(GETDATE()), 2) +


    (Replace )

    Now use an OLE DB Source to read the table and set the following properties:

    AccessMode=SQL Command From Variable


    Be sure the table for the current month exists whenever you edit or run the package, otherwise the metadata will be lost.

    Hope this helps


  • Expression="SELECT " +

    RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR, 2)MONTH(GETDATE()), 2) +



    I receive an error on the expression shown above. The Right function takes two parameters. One is the character expression which in the above code is shown by "0" - i think this should be the variable name???

  • I tried Peter's expression. It works correctly.

    It sets the variable to: SELECT 1207

    What is the error that BIDS is throwing?


    DTS Package Search

  • Oops,

    I inserted some placeholders in the expression surrounded by less- and greater then characters. Probably disappeared as invalid HTML-tags.

    The expression should be something like

    Expression="SELECT fields FROM table-prefix" +

    RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR, 2)MONTH(GETDATE()), 2) +


    (Replace "fields'' with the columns from your tables and "table-prefix" with the prefix of your tables).

    The first RIGHT function takes two arguments:

    1. "0" + (DT_WSTR, 2)MONTH(GETDATE()), the number of the month casted to a string with a leading zero added (for the months 1-9).

    2. 2, telling the RIGHT function to take the last two character of the first argument

    The second RIGHT function cuts off the last two digits from the current year casted to a string.

    Given the current date, the expression evaluates to "SELECT fields FROM table-prefix1207"


  • THANKS ALOT PETER! The expression works great!!! Appreciate it!

  • Hi again,

    I managed to modify peter's expression to cater for the case when data for a given month is not available till the begining of the next month as follows:-

    "select * from TABLE_NAME_" +

    right((DT_WSTR,20)month(dateadd("mm",-1,getdate())),2) +


    this gives a result of:-

    select * from table_name_1207

    Thanks again Peter!

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