Check Duplicate with Composite Key

  • Hello,

    Sorry if this topic already exists but I did not find it.

    I have a table Allocation used to make a link between the tables Companies and Projects .

    So the different columns of my tables are :

    CodeProject ,





    The primary key is composed from the two columns CodeProjet and CodeCompany.

    When I received data from an external supplier I have to remove from his table the combinaison of codeProjet, codeCompany already existing in my table(Tab_Allocation) to avoid a duplicate primary key.

    Insert into Tab_Affectation (CodeProjet, CodeIntervenant, Signature )

    select distinct projectID , investorId ,'PTZA' as signature from ImportPortugal

    where investorId is not null and ....

    normally I write a ProjectID not in (select ProjectID from Tab_Projet) but here I do not know how to check a key of two columns)

    How to write a (CodeProjet,CodeCompany) NOT IN .....

    I hope it is quite clear.

    thanks for your help .

    PS : I have very few data to insert so performance is not an issue.

  • You use LEFT JOIN or NOT EXISTS:

    INSERT DestinationTable (...)

    SELECT ...

    FROM AnotherSource s

    LEFT JOIN DestinationTable d

    ON d.CodeProject = s.CodeProject

    AND d.CodeCompany = s.CodeCompany

    WHERE d.CodeProject IS NULL

    -- Or the same with NOT EXISTS

    INSERT DestinationTable (...)

    SELECT ...

    FROM AnotherSource s

    WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM DestinationTable d

    WHERE d.CodeProject = s.CodeProject

    AND d.CodeCompany = s.CodeCompany)

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  • thanks !

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