check if a file exists and run

  • I am at a new env and am noticing few users who are little technical and mostly cust support, are editing sprocs and running them in prod. I want to avoid this and restrict the permissions. Has anyone tested or defined a process which checks for files at a share every x amount of minutes and if a file or multiple files exists then pick them up and execute?
    Thanks for the help

    “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” -- John Quincy Adams

  • You're looking for a "file watcher".   Even a simple batch file can do that, using VBScript.   SQL Agent can be the scheduling methodology.
    I'll leave the details of looking up what VBScript is capable of to you...  Think of it as Visual Basic with some of the strongly typed stuff made less strict (and thus deserving of greater care in its use).

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