Check Last Date DB was Accessed

  • 1 - How can I check all my DB's to see when they were last accessed and if possible, by who?

    2 - Can I check to see in the last month or 2 who accessed the db and what dates.




  • SQL Server 2005 includes security enhancements such as database encryption, secure default settings, password policy enforcement, fine grained permissions control, and an enhanced security model.SQL Server 2005 includes security enhancements such as database encryption, secure default settings, password policy enforcement, fine grained permissions control, and an enhanced security model. 


    I believe that checking your DB to see who last accessed would be done the same way as in SQL Server 2000. 


  • Thanks for the response and the info on SQL 2005, but I'm using SQL 2000 and you really didn't tell me HOW I check for what I need.  Any clues would be helpful...

  • Since you posted on a SQL Server 2005 forum I assumed you were interested in how to do this on 2005.  If you don't already know how to do this in SQL 2000 then you should post the question in a SQL Server forum and not a SQL Server Yukon Beta (SQL Server 2005) forum.


    You can turn on C2 auditing to get this info.  If this is too much data, the use SQL profiler to record this information.  SQL Profile only records this information while it is on. You cannot get a history of this.  C2 Auditing also records this only when turned on.  You cannot get a history prior to activating C2 auditing.  For more information post the question in another forum.


  • Sorry, I didn't realize I posted it in 2005 forum... Thanks for the info, I'll look into that.

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