Checklist Needed

  • Hi Folks,

    Can any one provide me a checklist to validate while doing the database migration from one physical SQL Server to another SQL Server.

    It will be very useful for me.

    Thanks in Advance....



  • Added a checklist which we followed during migration.

    Migrtion Pre checklist

    1 OS & Service pack of both the Server

    2 RAM & CPU detail

    3 Analyse the disk space in the Target Server

    4 Physical layout of Data files, Log files, TempDB data file , Index and Backup files

    5 Collect information on Indexes( Cluster & Non Clustered)

    6 Collect the information about the Database properties(auto close, auto growth, Auto Stats, Recovery Model & compatibility level etc)

    7 Collect the information of dependent applications

    8 Colect information about the Application down time

    9 Colect information on Database logins , users and their permissions

    10 Collect the information and script Jobs

    11 Collect information for any Linked Servers

    12 Collect the information on any High availabilty setup ( Log Shipping, Replication or Cluster)

    13 Check number of Records in each tables

    14 Stop the alpplication

    15 Put the DB in Read only / Single user mode and take the Backup

    Migrtion Post checklist

    1 Restore the Backups to New or Target server

    2 Execute DBCC UPDATEUSAGE on the restored database

    3 Change the compatibility level if DB migration is between the Lower to Higher version, the compatibility level should be of higher version

    4 Check the Database Propeties

    5 Rebuild the indexes and update the DB Statistics

    6 Fix the Logins & User Permissions

    7 Fix the Jobs & alerts

    8 Check the number of records in each tables

    9 Check if the application is able to connect

    10 Check the SQL Server error log if Target Server for any login failed error

    "More Green More Oxygen !! Plant a tree today"

  • Good Points Amin.

    - Win.

    " Have a great day "

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