Cleansing Email addresses Question

  • Hello,

    I don't know anything other than very basic SSIS, but have a question / looking for advice on cleansing data particularly email addresses.

    I run SQL SERVER 2014 BI edition and my company is starting to get into email blast business for marketing. Something fairly new to us and of course our clients do not use any type of form control so emails are missing .com and such. I have no experience with this type of thing so curious if any of you are using SSIS or more than SSIS?

    Thank you and appreciate any feedback / suggestions.

  • butcherking13 (2/19/2016)


    I don't know anything other than very basic SSIS, but have a question / looking for advice on cleansing data particularly email addresses.

    I run SQL SERVER 2014 BI edition and my company is starting to get into email blast business for marketing. Something fairly new to us and of course our clients do not use any type of form control so emails are missing .com and such. I have no experience with this type of thing so curious if any of you are using SSIS or more than SSIS?

    Thank you and appreciate any feedback / suggestions.

    E-mail cleansing is essentially a string-processing exercise for which a CLR function may be a strong candidate.

    Adding .com by default is not a great idea, IMO, because there are so many other possible suffixes. You could easily end up spamming the wrong users.

    Here is a link which may also be of interest.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Perfect and thank you!

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