Cleanup old backup files

  • Hello DBA folks,

    A database backup job is created using T-sql script (BACKUP DATABASE DB TO DISK = 'XXXX.BKP') and it creates one full backup everyday on local server. I would like to delete/clean up old database backp copies using T-SQL or DTS packages or SSIS packages. Any help is greatly appreciated. Database maintenance plans shouldn't be used in my environment.




  • You can make use of xp_delete_file  or xp_cmdshell...

    xp_delete_file  procedure is used in maintenace plans to delete old backups...


    @ThreeDays VARCHAR(255)


    @ThreeDays = CAST(DATEADD(d, -3, GETDATE()) AS VARCHAR)


    master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'c:\',N'bak',@ThreeDays

    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • You can also use the FileSystemObject in DTS (ActiveX) task to do this.

  • How do I add the Archive attribute to the delete statement to delete only those files that are 3 days or older and has already been backed up to tape?

    I don't have the xp_delete_file sp. Can you give me the sample code using xp_comshell to accomplish the above?

    Thank you very much in advance!


  • perhaps something along the lines of:

    (rough draft, not tested)

     create Table #backs ( ID INT IDENTITY, baks sysname NULL)

     DECLARE @back sysname, @i int, @cmd varchar(4000)

     SELECT @back = '', @i = 0

     SELECT @cmd = 'dir /b /O-D /A-A path\backupfiles*'

         RAISERROR(@cmd,10,1) WITH NOWAIT

     WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02'

     INSERT #backs EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

     delete from #backs WHERE baks IS NULL

     --select * from #backs

     WHILE @i < (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM #backs) BEGIN

        SELECT @i = MIN(ID) FROM #backs WHERE ID > @i

        SELECT @back =  baks FROM #backs WHERE ID = @i

        SELECT @cmd = 'delete '@pfad+@back

        EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd


     DROP Table #backs



    Best regards

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