CLR stored procedure

  • Hi All

    I'm trying to create a stored procedure to allow users to do some calculations based on some business rules. The business rules is situated in a seperate assembly (.net project which is part of the solution). I need to add a reference to the businessrule assembly and use it in the CLR stored proc. VS 2005 only allows other database projects to be added as a reference. Any help would be appreciated.


  • Since I didn't receive a reply, I thought I can post the solution I eventualy went with. I've created a webservice which exposes the businessrules and then I used a clr proc to connect the the webservice. The clr proc takes the url as a parameter, thus allowing me to deploy the proc anywhere. I've then created clr code to execute the appropriate methods in the webservice, the result wil then be returned to the clr function and external apps can just call a the sql clr function as normal.


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