Cluster backup and restore

  • I am running a Windows 2003 cluster with SQL 2000. This is a new setup and as such we are in the process of implementing and testing our backup strategy for this location. In the testing phase of this setup we successfully backed up the clustered SQL instance. We then attempted to restore said database to a non-clustered instance of SQL on a recovery server. When we attemtped to restore, we received an error that it couldn't connect and after speaking with the vendor for the backup software we were told that it is not possible to restore a backup from a cluster to a non-cluster.

    Has anyone encountered anything like this? Is this a limitation of the backup solution we are using or is this something in clustering?

    It doesn't make sense to me that you can only restore a cluster to a cluster, then again I am not by any means an expert in either clustering or SQL.

    Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

  • Hi, not sure what you mean vendor has advised??  If you use normal SQL Server backup of a database on a sql cluster this backup can be restored anywhere (SQL version permitting) A Database backup when created using normal sql server tools on a cluster is no different than a non clustered backup.  Maybe you are usung a third party backup tool and it is this that is limiting your ability to restore on non clustered setup, I would be curios if this is the case though.


  • It is a third party backup solution that we use for our entire enterprise. The vendor for that product has said we can not restore a cluster to a non cluster. Basically I was curious if this was a cluster issue or a problem with the backup software we use. From your response it sounds as if this is an issue with the backup software only.

  • Do you know the name of the backup software?


  • the backup software we use is Netvault by Bakbone.

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