cluster.exe/copy master.mdf

  • I'm looking for input on using cluster.exe to stop the cluster, copy the master mdf/ldf and restart.

    We have an active/passive cluster for sql 2000.  The system databases and backups are on a SAN. The user/client databases will soon be moved from the SAN to a storage array which will be like a local drive to the cluster.

    In one disaster scenario, if the SAN goes down, the client databases will be available, but sql won't run until the system databases are restored.  Now I could have backups go to both the SAN and the storage array, but getting master back on line from backup is a little involved when master mdf/ldf are unavailable.  I'd rather be able to copy the master.mdf and ldf from SAN to array every night.

    Can't do that without buying a tool that can copy live files, or using cluster.exe in a batch file to stop the cluster, copy mdf,ldf and start the cluster every night. Since getting approval to buy tools is nearly impossible ( e.g. veritas cluster sql agent ), I'm leaning towards cluster.exe -- assuming it would have to be run by the windows scheduler, not sql agent.

    Randy Petty

  • Yes, you would use cluster.exe to issue a command to either take the resource group offline or take the individual SQL Server resource off-line. This would also take SQL Agent off-line. That would allow you to be able to copy the system databases. It should be scheduled using Task Scheduler or a 3rd party product accordingly.

    Mind you, this isn't the approach my org uses because our availability window doesn't allow for bringing down the cluster resources. However, your idea should work just fine.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Have you looked into Log Shipping to keep the DR servers up to date? I used log shipping to accomplish something similar to what you are talking about.

    You could also look into replication (shudder)...

  • Thanks Brian.  What approach does your organization use?  Do you have all data on something like a SAN?  So far I haven't found the syntax and command line parameters for cluster.exe.

    I'd like to avoid running the master database rebuild utility etc.  I've begun looking at the VERITAS Cluster Server2.0 Enterprise Agent for SQL Server 2000 but haven't determined yet if it can actually copy live database files.  

    Also have to find out where the quorum drive is and if the sql cluster can be started from the command line indicating the new location of the master database ( cluster.exe or sqlservr.exe )

    Randy Petty

    usage: sqlservr

            [-c] (not as a service)

            [-d file] (alternative master data file)

            [-l file] (alternative master log file)

            [-e file] (alternate errorlog file)

            [-f] (minimal configuration mode)

            [-m] (single user admin mode)

            [-g number] (stack MB to reserve)

            [-n] (do not use event logging)

            [-O] (allow startup without DCOM support)

            [-s name] (alternate registry key name)

            [-T <number>] (trace flag turned on at startup)

            [-x] (no statistics tracking)

            [-y number] (stack dump on this error)

            [-B] (breakpoint on error (used with -y))

            [-I number] (set I/O affinity mask)




  • We have cited the use of the rebuildm.exe utility. This has worked in our DR testing though usually there we are not restoring clusters to clustered equipment but rather normal servers.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Sounds like it's time for replication.  I'll have to look into what potential performance hit this would have, but it might be the quickest, least ulcer-prone way to get things back up quickly. 

    Just point the web servers at the standby sql box in the event of SAN or other failure. Then correct the problem and determine how to bring the main hardware back up and apply data updates that have been going to the standby sql box.


  • replication or log shipping... either one would do here.

    K. Brian Kelley

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