Cluster index update deadlock

  • Hi guys,
    I  am trying to understand why Cluster index update deadlock occurred.I have 2 tables:

    table1: date,item_id and client_id. (actually it has more columns) 
    date:        cluster index
    Item_id:            none cluster index
    client_id: none cluster index

    Item_id: cluster index

    I have update and select statements involved in deadlock:

    Update table1 set date='20170101' where item_id=10
    Select t2.Item_ID,t2.Col1,t2.Col2  from table2 t2,table1 t1 where t2.Item_ID=t1.Item_ID and>'20170401' and t.client_id=123

    My question is since i am updating only date column why is select statement  holding UPDATE?  

  • Both statements are part of a transaction. It's not that the SELECT is holding the UPDATE, it's that the UPDATE and the SELECT are executing as a set of operations.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Thank you Grant for reply.They are separate processes,i just listed together. 
    Session 1: Update table1 set date='20170101' where item_id=10
    Session 2: Select t2.Item_ID,t2.Col1,t2.Col2 from table2 t2,table1 t1 where t2.Item_ID=t1.Item_ID and>'20170401' and t.client_id=123.
    I've done some research and found that  clustered index column update is row update(delete+insert) not in-place,which answers my question.

    Thank you

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