Clustering with logshipping setup..need advice

  • Hello,

    I am using SQL Server 2012 SE. I am using a clustered environment for my databases in DataCenter1(DC1). The virtual name for sqlserver instance is APDB01. Standard edition supports clustering between 2 nodes only. Now I need to bring up another of instance of SQLServer 2012 SE in another data center which is Datacenter2 (DC2) and thinking to logship these databases and copy over all agent jobs and other objects from cluster in DC1 to a new cluster in DC2. I am not using database mirroring because some of my databases are using fliestream. I am thinking to use cname record on the DC2 side when a manual failover is performed so the apps at DC2 can still point to the same name. SO the CNAME would be APDB01. But when I try to logship data back from DC2 to DC1 I will have to delete the CNAME before initiating logshipping as there might be a naming resolution conflict.

    The question I have is during a failback, at the SAN level since the drives and labels match in DC2 and DC1 for all databases, would it possible to disconnect the current luns in DC1 and move luns from DC2 to DC1 and present them to DC1 and up the sql server service in DC1 if i have an option? Is this possible?  All i am trying to do is reduce the backup, copy and restore time during a failback.

    Experts please your valuable thoughts on this.

    Thanks a ton in advance

    “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” -- John Quincy Adams

  • no, especially if the luns have the system databases on from the clustered instance.
    Do not move system databases between instances, especially clustered instances.
    Failing over to a LS secondary is detailed here

    LS and FCI are not listed on the HA interoperability matrix and there are a couple of reasons i can think of.
    What are you attempting to mitigate, do you understand how LS works


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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