Code Conversion From Oracle to SQL- SQL SHUBHAM SAXENA @ BAJAJ CAPITAL

  • Dear Friends,

    I am having a oralce select statement like:

    SELECT count(*)

    FROM employee_master e,

    client_master cl,

    city_master c,

    state_master s,

    branch_master b

    WHERE cl.city_id = c.city_id(+)

    AND s.state_id(+) = c.state_id

    AND b.branch_code = cl.sourceid

    AND e.rm_code = cl.rm_code

    Output Returns:923274 row count

    Now I need to convert this statement to SQL I Use like

    SELECT count(*)

    FROM e,

    client_master cl left outer join

    city_master c on cl.city_id=c.city_id


    state_master s on s.state_id = c.state_id,

    branch_master b


    b.branch_code = cl.sourceid

    AND e.rm_code = cl.rm_code

    Output Returns:907192 Row Count

    That shows different result from oracle result.I am not getting where is logical error in my sql select statment.

    So Plz help me and send a SQL Script equivalent to following query:

    SELECT count(*)

    FROM employee_master e,

    client_master cl,

    city_master c,

    state_master s,

    branch_master b

    WHERE cl.city_id = c.city_id(+)

    AND s.state_id(+) = c.state_id

    AND b.branch_code = cl.sourceid

    AND e.rm_code = cl.rm_code


  • Any reason not to run the traditional query syntax on SQL Server side?

    What happens if you do that?

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • Try (side with nulls) => X LEFT JOIN Y ON X.ABC=Y.ABC => X RIGHT JOIN Y ON X.ABC.Y.ABC

    SELECT count(*)

    FROM employee_master e

    INNER JOIN client_master cl

    ON e.rm_code=cl.rm_code

    INNER JOIN branch_master b

    ON cl.sourceid=b.branch_code

    left join city_master c

    ON cl.city_id=c.city_id

    LEFT join state_master s

    ON c.state_id=s.state_id

  • Your query is perfect and I got the perfect result..

    But How I am not getting:

    You have written that (side with nulls) => X LEFT JOIN Y ON X.ABC=Y.ABC => X RIGHT JOIN Y ON X.ABC=Y.ABC

    my query is:

    SELECT count(*)

    FROM employee_master e,

    client_master cl,

    city_master c,

    state_master s,

    branch_master b

    WHERE cl.city_id = c.city_id(+)--=>there should be a LEFT JOIN

    AND s.state_id(+) = c.state_id--=>There should be a RIGHT JOIN

    AND b.branch_code = cl.sourceid

    AND e.rm_code = cl.rm_code

    And according to me there should be one left join and one right join but you have write only left join in both plz explain it in details.

    Thanks a lot:-)

  • I've converted the right-join in a left join (as they are rewritable),didn't feel like reordening my whole query.

    Easiest is to remember (+) means: if not found add a null record.

    Doublecheck the outcome when rewriting old syntax to ansi syntax.

    In addition to the left/right join filter (on...) you might also need to check for nulls in the WHERE-clause.

    Comment in code.

    SELECT count(*)

    FROM employee_master e

    INNER JOIN client_master cl

    ON e.rm_code=cl.rm_code /*where e.rm_code=cl.rm_code: must match->inner join */

    INNER JOIN branch_master b /*where cl.sourceid=b.branch_code: must match->inner join */

    ON cl.sourceid=b.branch_code

    left join city_master c /*where cl.city_id = c.city_id(+): show c.city_id if possible, otherwise null*/

    ON cl.city_id=c.city_id

    LEFT join state_master s /* where s.state_id(+) = c.state_id: show s.state_id if possible otherwise null; have the city table on the left (left join:show left table at least once) and state table to the right (show if possible)*/

    ON c.state_id=s.state_id

    with right join (have to check this one)

    SELECT count(*)

    FROM employee_master e

    INNER JOIN client_master cl ON e.rm_code=cl.rm_code

    INNER JOIN branch_master b ON cl.sourceid=b.branch_code

    left join

    (select c.city_id from state_master s right join /*show right table atleast once*/ city_master c on s.state_id=c.state_id) cities

    on cl.city_id=cities.city_id

  • Did you play around with the Microsoft Migration Assistant for Oracle ( to sqlserver ) ?

    Always nice to give it a try .... this is free MS software 🙂

    Have a look at


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  • Hello Dear,

    I am using tool SSMA But it takes a lots of time and consuming lots of space

    in comparision to there any other tool to migrate our oracle data to

    Sql server R2.


  • Thanks m allmost satisfied with you..:-)

  • I don't get the combination of your previous two replies :crazy:

    As long as I have enough space, I don't care about it during any migration.

    It may indeed consume your resources. For migration purposes, I think that is allowed.

    Only after having performed everything needed after migration (shrink, update stats and rebuild of all indexes) then I would compare space usage,if that is of any concern.


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  • the (+) operator in an Oracle join condition should be translated into an outer join

  • -


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  • ALZDBA (11/18/2011)

    Did you play around with the Microsoft Migration Assistant for Oracle ( to sqlserver ) ?

    SSMA is fantastic to migrate data but is not that good when the time comes to translate code - other than very simple statements.

    In my experience... migrate data using SSMA and re-write all your code from scratch.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
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