collation conflict

  • ive been testing some scripts on my local machine and now moved them to the development server. The scripts ran OK on my local server, but in development im getting a collation error

    Msg 468, Level 16, State 9, Line 4

    Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Latin1_General_CI_AS" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.

    this is the script

    CREATE TABLE #Prefix(

    [Town] [varchar](40) NOT NULL,

    [County] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,

    [PostCodePrefix] [varchar](2) NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    ** insert some rows into #Prefix here

    this bit of SQL causes the collation error

    UPDATE tblAddress

    SET County = mc.CountyName

    FROM MasterCounty mc

    INNER JOIN MasterTown mt ON mc.CountyID = mt.CountyID

    INNER JOIN tblAddress ad ON ad.Town = mt.TownName

    where ad.Town NOT IN (SELECT Town from #Prefix)

    AND ad.Postcode is not null


    can anyone see why this is happening ?

  • Seems like your table are set to different collation.

    Check your table definition scripts to find the coulmn with a different collation.

    To figure out which one it is you can either script out all related tables or you can set up a simple select statement (instead of update) and start to eliminate one table at a time from your join.

    Or you can post the DDL (table scripts).

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  • You can use the COLLATE clause to force a collation.

    Please read this article for more information.


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  • It sounds to me like you've gone through an upgrade process and TempDB now has a different collation that the database you're working with. It's a real PITA to change the default collation on TempDB... any chance of you changing the default collation on your other DB to match TempDB so you don't have to keep going through this? Remember, if you don't make a backup first, it's not my fault when something goes wrong. 😉

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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • As an alternative you can define the collation of your temp table onlyy, not facing the pain Jeff mentioned.

    That's basically the reason why I recommended to figure out the collation of your underlying tables to begin with...

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