collation error

  • I am getting a collation error on a simple join from two tables across linked server, the type and collation for the column in both tables is the same. One server is sql2000 sp3a and other is sql2005 sp2.

    i have simplified statement as much as i could and still get error. Any help would be appreciated.

    select * from [2000_table] a

    join [linkedServer]. .dbo.[2005_table] b

    on a.NID = b.NID

    receive error

    Cannot resolve collation conflict for equal to operation.

    here is info from sp_help

    2000_table: NID char no 15 yes no yes Latin1_General_BIN

    2005_table: NID char no 15 no no no Latin1_General_BIN

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  • Use COLLATE to tell SQL Server which collation to use.


    select * from [2000_table] a

    join [linkedServer]. .dbo.[2005_table] b

    on a.NID = b.NID collate Latin1_General_BIN


    select * from [2000_table] a

    join [linkedServer]. .dbo.[2005_table] b

    on a.NID collate Latin1_General_BIN = b.NID


    Matija Lah, SQL Server MVP

  • That worked great. Thanks.

    Any idea why I would have to specify collation when they both were indentical?

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  • Check the settings for the linked servers and look up sp_serveroption in Books Online. Pay specific attention to the "collation compatible", "use remote collation" and "collation name" setting.

    Depending on the actual environment linked servers can be setup in a way that would prevent collation exceptions using these linked server options.

    Oh, and one more thing - test, re-test, double-test, and just to make sure - test again. 😉


    Matija Lah, SQL Server MVP

  • thanks for the help. It was the linked server setting to use remote collation that was causing my conflict(it was set to false). once set to true, I no longer have to specify collation in my query.

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  • Ok, but also consider the warning in Books Online regarding these settings. You don't want any unpredictable results, do you?


    Matija Lah, SQL Server MVP

  • This problem came about because the remote server had been redeployed and the new linked server object I had created did not work in the same way as the old one (I didn't even think of checking the linked server settings). The remote collation setting on the old linked server object was set to true so if there are inconsistent results they were always there.

    As for the 'warnings' in books online, the only two places I can see what would be a warning deals with the collation compatible and collation name settings. I have collation compatible set to false on collation name in blank. I only set the use remote collation setting to true.

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