Collation issue

  • Hi Gents

    I was installing a sql 2000 on a new server and by default the server collation went to Latin_general_CI_AS. But the problem started when the vendor database having a different collation ,and was a SQL 7 database,Latin_General_CP1_AS..I have tried to reinstall sql server and opted for SQL collation in cutom setting and selected case insensitive,1252 sort order..still server collation showing as Latin_general_CI_AS. Does any body faced such issues..

    Please put your valuable thoughts here and save my day 🙂


    Binu John

  • So, you want to change the default collation of the server ?? It's not easy. I've looked into it, and for now, I'm going to live with it the way it is, and when I create new databases, I have to manually set their collation. This gives us headaches now & then because we have to use COLLATE when joining tables across DBs with different collations.

  • Thaks..But any ways I can change the SQL Server 2000 collation to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS(which is default to SQL7)..I have tried to re install and opted for custom setting--collation--sql collation..still No luck;)

    How about rebuilding master..didnt tried out but not sure will have more option than while installing..

    binu john

  • Hi,

    Yes when rebuilding the master (Rebuildm.exe), you can change the collation.

    Check the following link and you can download the pdf at

    It's a good reference.



  • Oh finaly its done..

    changed regional setting to US (english) and went to custom setting and opted for SQL collation 1252..;)

    Thanks you all for ur valuable comments..

    binu john

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