Collation problem

  • Hi All, i am trying to install mssql2005 ent version 64bit. i get the default collation of the server as "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" while as a requirement i need collation "Latin1_General_CI_AS". there was no such option the dropdown while installation.

    could any one please tell me how to get the required collation of the server.

  • Hi Ritesh,

    Collation can be set only during installation..u can change that during installation...

    If u have already installed u need to uninstall and reinstall the server.

  • (step 1) You can change the collation, by changing it in the database properties, but ...

    (step 2) all the tables in the database with varchar/char/nvarchar columns have the original collation. You can change this also (alter table ... alter column) but ...

    in order to change this column, existing indexes on that column must be dropped first which can be a nasty one with primary/unique/referential keys.

    I've attached a script to determine which columns don't have the database collation. (make sure @debug=1 to test it first). This scripts only gives results when the databasecollation columncollation.

    Tip: you can force databasecollation in procedures by using [c]COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT[/b] see BOL

    The best things in life are the simple things

  • Sorry, my answer is for user databases, I didn't read your question quite well. So my answer is for user databases with a different collation.

    BTW you can create a database with a different collation compared to the server collation

    The best things in life are the simple things

  • Hello Ritesh,

    Your question is to set the default collation "Latin1_General_CI_AS".

    First Uninstall the sql server and reinstall it:

    Whiel reinstalling in the collation settings select following options:

    Select Radio button "Collation designator and sort order:"

    Select from drop down "Latin1_General"

    Select Check box "Accent-sensitive"

    and complete the installation.


    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

  • Thanks Ratheesh.You are great.:-P

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]+++BLADE+++[/font]:cool:

  • yes, thats true but again while installation what should be the setting to achieve the collation. because there is no straight forward collation as "Latin1_General_CI_AS". In the dropdown while installation i got only "Latin1_General" as the options and there were some check boxes too. Could please guide me to configuration i should choose to achieve the wanted.

  • Thanks a lot that was the exact answer i required......

  • Do as free_mascot said...

    CI for case Insensitive and AS accent sensitive

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