Column split based on another column value




          [TIME_TME_DTL] [decimal](5, 2) NOT NULL,

          [LAST_UPDATE_DATE_TME_DTL] [datetime] NOT NULL,




           0                                                     1.11

           0                                                      2.22                              

           1                                                      3.33

           1                                                      4.44

           1                                                      15.00

           0                                                       5.00

           0                                                       4.44

           0                                                       7.00

           0                                                       67.00

           0                                                        2.10

           0                                                       1.00


    I want the time values that represent 0 in  TIME_TME_DTL to be move to a separate column and the time value that represent 1 in TIME_TME_DTL to be moved to another column.  Thanks in advance

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Not sure I understand the question.  Do you mean that you want the values in TIME_TME_DTL to go into different column depending on the value of VALUE_ADDED_FLAG_TME_DTL?    

    Should be a fairly simple job using a case statement to split it I would think.


    table #t (

    C1 int,

    C2 int)


    into #t values (0,1)


    into #t values (0,2)


    into #t values (1,1)


    into #t values (1,5)


    c1, case C1 when 1 then C2 else null end as '1 values', case C1 when 0 then C2 else null end as '0 values'



  • No I want the values in the second column to be separated into two columns based on 0 or 1 in column one correspond to the values in column two and column two is time stored as DECIMAL not INT.  At the moment I can concatenate both columns to do an easy column split.  I am just looking for an elegant solution.


    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • hmm thought that was what my code showed (conceptually).  Post sample of what you want it to look like after the split maybe I will understand better.

  • Yes your code split the columns into two but it was part of a mile long report so based on relevance to the customers data I will use what I have now.  The reason is the customer sometimes call it flag other times it is called status.  Thanks for the suggestion.


    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

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