Columns from one table match with rows in another table

  • Hi,

    I have 3 tables in the first table customernumber i have data filled. it has 4 columns which specifies the total number of different kinds of customers in the market.The second table has two columns customertypeID and customers type so it has only 4 rows (every customerType is assigned with a customerTypeID). here comes my work there is a third table which has CustomertypeID and number of customers. the data in the third table is filled basing on the first and second tables. the columns in the first table should match with the rows in the second table and data has to come into third table can any one of you help me in this ?

    Create table Customersnumber


    cityname varchar(25)

    ,Loyal Customers interger

    ,DiscountCustomers integer

    ,ImpulseCustomers integer

    ,NeedBasedCustomers integer

    ,WanderingCustomers integer


    insert into customersnumber


    insert into customersnumber


    create table customertype


    customertypeID int identity(1,1)

    , Customertype


    insert into customertype


    insert into customertype


    insert into customertype


    insert into customertype


    create table customers


    ID int identity(1,1)

    , customertypeID int

    ,NumberOfCustomers int


  • Thank you for posting ddl and sample data. Unfortunately your script doesn't work. There are a few syntax error, once I fixed those the inserts don't work because the number of columns don't match. Please correct the sample data, test it, and post it again so we can help.

    Even if the data were ok I can't understand what your requirement is based on your description. Are you trying to create rows in the Customer table based on the data in the other two tables? Can you explain the logic here and post what you expect as desired output based on the sample data?


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  • yeah i strugged thru the broken DDL as well;

    unfortunately, becuase you have no true relationship to the two tables, you have to make assumptions to get teh data to work the way you want.

    instead of a table custmers, a VIEW woudl be better, since the table woudl be out of date as soon as new rows get added to any of your tables.

    here's an ugly implementation that i really hate, but that does what you ask, kinda, sorta, maybe...

    Create table Customersnumber


    cityname varchar(25)

    ,LoyalCustomers int

    ,DiscountCustomers int

    ,ImpulseCustomers int

    ,NeedBasedCustomers int

    ,WanderingCustomers int


    insert into customersnumber


    insert into customersnumber

    values('Fort Lauderdale',7,65,98,756,0);

    create table customertype


    customertypeID int identity(1,1)

    , Customertype varchar(50)


    insert into customertype


    insert into customertype


    insert into customertype


    insert into customertype


    insert into customertype



    CREATE VIEW customers


    SELECT customertype.customertypeID,customertype.Customertype, SUM(LoyalCustomers) As TotalCustomers FROM Customersnumber INNER JOIN customertype ON customertype.Customertype= 'LoyalCustomers' GROUP BY customertype.customertypeID,customertype.Customertype UNION ALL

    SELECT customertype.customertypeID,customertype.Customertype, SUM(DiscountCustomers) As TotalCustomers FROM Customersnumber INNER JOIN customertype ON customertype.Customertype= 'DiscountCustomers' GROUP BY customertype.customertypeID,customertype.Customertype UNION ALL

    SELECT customertype.customertypeID,customertype.Customertype, SUM(ImpulseCustomers) As TotalCustomers FROM Customersnumber INNER JOIN customertype ON customertype.Customertype= 'ImpulseCustomers' GROUP BY customertype.customertypeID,customertype.Customertype UNION ALL

    SELECT customertype.customertypeID,customertype.Customertype, SUM(NeedbasedCustomers) As TotalCustomers FROM Customersnumber INNER JOIN customertype ON customertype.Customertype= 'NeedbasedCustomers' GROUP BY customertype.customertypeID,customertype.Customertype UNION ALL

    SELECT customertype.customertypeID,customertype.Customertype, SUM(WanderingCustomers) As TotalCustomers FROM Customersnumber INNER JOIN customertype ON customertype.Customertype= 'WanderingCustomers' GROUP BY customertype.customertypeID,customertype.Customertype


    SELECT * FROM customers


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Thanks guys for your reply. I am sorry for the broken DDL

    Here is the correct Table structure ans some sample Data

    Create table Customersnumber


    cityname varchar(25)

    ,LoyalCustomers int

    ,DiscountCustomers int

    ,ImpulseCustomers int

    ,NeedBasedCustomers int

    ,WanderingCustomers int


    insert into customersnumber


    insert into customersnumber

    values('Fort Lauderdale',7,65,98,756,0);

    create table customertype


    customertypeID int identity(1,1)

    , Customertype varchar(50)


    insert into customertype


    insert into customertype


    insert into customertype


    insert into customertype


    insert into customertype


    Create table customers


    ID int identity(1,1)

    , customertypeID int

    ,NumberOfCustomers int


    select * from customertype

    CustomerType ID CustomerType

    1 LoyalCustomers

    2 DiscountCustomers

    3 ImpulseCustomers

    4 NeedbasedCustomers

    5 WanderingCustomers

    select * from Customersnumber

    cityname LoyalCustomers DiscountCustomers ImpulseCustomers NeedBasedCustomers WanderingCustomers

    Miami 1 5 8 56 0

    Fort Lauderdale 7 65 98 756 0

    select * from customers

    ID CustomerTypeID NumberofCustomers

    This is how the tables look, In the third table i want data like this

    select * from customers

    ID CustomerTypeID NumberofCustomers

    1 1 1

    2 1 7

    3 2 5

    4 2 65

    5 3 8

    6 3 98

    7 4 56

    8 4 756

    9 5 0

    10 5 0

    Please let me know if i was wrong any where. Again Thanks for your time

  • try this

    with pvt



    select customertypepvt,sumpvt

    from dbo.Customersnumber



    sumpvt for customertypepvt in([LoyalCustomers]





    )as expl


    insert into dbo.customerstu

    select customertypepvt,customertypeID,sum(sumpvt)

    from pvt table1

    join dbo.customertype table2


    group by customertypepvt,customertypeID

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