Columns into Row - Help

  • Hello All,

    Looks like a lot of good help available on this site. I think I found a place to hang. Need some help. Not a TSQL guru. Yet.

    Here's my problem. I have this table. How do I do this? Or just point ot some reading and I'll get on with it. Thanks. BPH

    ClaimID Claim_Ln RuleID

    2000 1 535

    2000 1 434

    2000 1 242

    I would like to create a table that list the RuleID Horizontally

    ClaimID Claim_ln RuleID1 RuleID2 RuleID3

    2000 1 535 434 242


  • Does your table contain some kind of ID field ?

    If so you could try something like




    case when ID = 1 then RuleID else NULL end as RuleID1

    case when ID = 2 then RuleID else NULL end as RuleID2

    case when ID = 3 then RuleID else NULL end as RuleID3

  • Hi BPH,

    several links on the pivoting (crosstab) subject:

    Also, you can search for "pivot" or "crosstab" in tha scripts library .


    Goce Smilevski.

  • Thanks to Junie01 and Goce Smilevksi. I will persue those avenues and try to figure this out. .



  • If this is a conversion from te old situation to a new one (OLTP) create a table using a LOOP scanning you old DDL and rebuild the new table dynamicly. Afterwards you can use this same mechanism for populating your table as well.

    Just a thought....


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