Columns to Rows - Pivot table?

  • Hello All,

    Looks like a lot of good help available on this site. I think I found a place to hang. Need some help. Not a TSQL guru. Yet.

    Here's my problem. I have this table 3 columns by 3 rows.

    A B C

    2000 1 535

    2000 1 434

    2000 1 242

    I would like to create a table that list the RuleID Horizontally

    A B C C C

    2000 1 535 434 242

    THX. BPH


  • hey BPH

    iam not sure whether i understood u correct!

    check the following code and tell me if its ok?

    select * from reg1

    collegeid   deptid      regis      

    ----------- ----------- -----------

    2001        1           101

    2001        1           202

    2001        1           303




    select collegeid,deptid, min(case when regis='101' then regis end) as 'regis1',

    min(case when regis='202' then regis end) as 'regis2',

    min(case when regis='303' then regis end) as 'regis3' from reg1 group by collegeid,deptid


    collegeid   deptid      regis1      regis2      regis3     

    ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

    2001        1           101         202         303

    tell me its ok



  • Hi Rajiv,

    Your solution gets the horizontal look that I'm trying to achive.

    The user did come with more info.

    >>>There are many Collegeid.

    >>>There are many deptid. 

    >>>There are up to 900 regid. But no deptid will have more than maybe 10 to 15 regid.  

    So each row will have unique collegeid, unique deptid, and then several regid listed in the row. Or the regid for a particular collegeid deptid combination, may be null.

    I'm beginning to think cursor is needed and have been reading about those and how to implement them.

    I appreciate your insight.



  • Bob,

    I'll take a look at those. I'm just getting use to this site and have found a lot of useful info, as well as friendly and helpful people.



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