Combine 2 queries into 1 output

  • I have 2 queries and I need to add them together to get 1 row of data for each invoice_no, order_no combination.

    First query is

    select invoice_line.order_no, invoice_no,

    sum(invoice_line.extended_price) as 'Extended Price',

    sum(invoice_line.commission_cost) as comm_cost_invline,

    sum(oe_line.commission_cost/ oe_line.unit_size) as comm_cost_oeLine

    from invoice_line

    join oe_line on oe_line.order_no = invoice_line.order_no

    and oe_line.line_no = invoice_line.oe_line_number

    where invoice_no = '3101279' --used to check 1 invoice no

    group by invoice_no, invoice_line.order_no

    order by invoice_line.order_no

    It returns

    order_no invoice_no Extended Price comm_cost_invline comm_cost_oeLine

    1100056 3101279 63.4900 48.295821389 38.8900000

    Second query is:

    select invoice_hdr.invoice_no, invoice_hdr.order_no, freight_out,invoice_hdr_salesrep.salesrep_id from invoice_hdr --and others

    join invoice_hdr_salesrep on invoice_hdr_salesrep.invoice_number = invoice_hdr.invoice_no

    join freight_code on freight_code.freight_code_uid = invoice_hdr.freight_code_uid

    join oe_pick_ticket on oe_pick_ticket.order_no = invoice_hdr.order_no

    and oe_pick_ticket.invoice_no = invoice_hdr.invoice_no

    and freight_out > 0.00

    where freight_cd = 'PREPAY-CEP'

    and invoice_hdr.date_paid between '2012-01-01' and '2012-09-30'

    and invoice_hdr_salesrep.salesrep_id = 1023

    and invoice_hdr.invoice_no = '3101279'

    order by invoice_hdr.invoice_no

    It returns

    invoice_no order_no freight_out salesrep_id

    3101279 1100056 10.8400 1023

    What I need is:

    invoice_no order_no freight_out salesrep_id Extended Price comm_cost_invline comm_cost_oeLine

    3101279 1100056 10.8400 1023 63.4900 48.295821389 38.8900000

    For the life of me I can't figure this out. Can anybody help?

    Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it.

  • Have you tried joining the INVOICE_LINE into your second query and add the sum(..) tot he select?

  • mmm, yes that seemed to work. letting user test it now. thank you.

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