Combine rows of data

  • I am trying to take the first date of the Out transaction and put it on the record of the In transaction for each EQPT. I was planning on seperating the transactions into 2 seperate tables one for the In and one for the Out. The sample of the output is below the data. I have tried a couple of things but seem to lose some of the dates when the in and out are both for the same date.

    EQPT Seq ActivityDate Type

    Vehicle1 221 1/11/13 IN

    Vehicle1 223 1/15/13 OUT

    Vehicle1 226 1/15/13 IN

    Vehicle1 227 1/15/13 OUT

    Vehicle2 209 4/24/13 IN

    Vehicle2 210 4/24/13 OUT

    Vehicle2 211 4/24/13 IN

    Vehicle2 212 4/30/13 OUT

    Vehicle2 213 4/30/13 IN

    Vehicle3 2 1/11/13 OUT

    Vehicle3 3 1/14/13 IN

    Vehicle4 152 1/3/13 IN

    Vehicle4 153 1/4/13 OUT

    Vehicle4 154 1/7/13 IN

    Vehicle4 158 1/17/13 OUT

    Vehicle4 161 1/21/13 IN

    Vehicle4 162 1/21/13 OUT

    Vehicle4 163 1/25/13 IN

    Vehicle4 164 1/30/13 OUT

    Vehicle5 175 7/28/13 IN

    Vehicle5 177 7/31/13 OUT

    Vehicle5 182 7/31/13 IN

    Vehicle5 184 8/20/13 OUT

    Vehicle5 187 8/22/13 IN

    Vehicle5 188 8/23/13 OUT

    Vehicle1 221 1/11/13 IN OUT 1/15/13

  • Hi

    So OFF course there are better ways of doing think but a quick fix/idea you can use the following.

    create table #Info(

    EQPT varchar(20),

    Seq int,

    ActivityDate date,

    Type varchar(5)


    insert into #Info


    'Vehicle1' ,221, cast('2013-1-11'as date) ,'IN'

    union select

    'Vehicle1' ,223, cast('2013-1-15'as date) ,'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle1' ,226, cast('2013-1-15'as date) ,'IN'union select

    'Vehicle1' ,227, cast('2013-1-15'as date) ,'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle2' ,209, cast('2013-4-24' as date) ,'IN'union select

    'Vehicle2' ,210, cast('2013-4-24'as date) ,'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle2' ,211, cast('2013-4-24' as date) ,'IN'union select

    'Vehicle2' ,212, cast('2013-4-30' as date),'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle2' ,213, cast('2013-4-30' as date), 'IN'union select

    'Vehicle3' ,2 , cast('2013-1-11' as date), 'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle3' ,3 , cast('2013-1-14' as date), 'IN'union select

    'Vehicle4' ,152, cast('2013-1-3'as date), 'IN'union select

    'Vehicle4' ,153, cast('2013-1-4' as date), 'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle4' ,154, cast('2013-1-7'as date) , 'IN'union select

    'Vehicle4' ,158, cast('2013-1-17' as date), 'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle4' ,161, cast('2013-1-21' as date), 'IN'union select

    'Vehicle4' ,162, cast('2013-1-21' as date), 'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle4' ,163, cast('2013-1-25' as date), 'IN'union select

    'Vehicle4' ,164, cast('2013-1-30'as date), 'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle5' ,175, cast('2013-7-28' as date), 'IN'union select

    'Vehicle5' ,177, cast('2013-7-31' as date), 'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle5' ,182, cast('2013-7-31' as date), 'IN'union select

    'Vehicle5' ,184, cast('2013-8-20' as date), 'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle5' ,187, cast('2013-8-20' as date), 'IN'union select

    'Vehicle5' ,188, cast('2013-8-20'as date) , 'OUT'

    with CTE as(

    Select EQPT,




    DENSE_RANK() over ( order by Type) Type_rnk,

    DENSE_RANK() over (partition by EQPT,Type order by seq) rnk

    from #Info)

    select *

    from CTE a

    left join CTE b on a.EQPT=b.EQPT and a.rnk = b.rnk and a.Type_rnk+1 = b.Type_rnk

    where a.Type = 'IN'

    This is not the best solution but it will point you in a direction 🙂

    Kind Regards

    To some it may look best but to others it might be the worst, but then again to some it might be the worst but to others the best.

  • I am getting the below error

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 38

    Incorrect syntax near 'CTE'.

  • o sorry for that, just add a ; before the with CTE clause or copy below

    create table #Info(

    EQPT varchar(20),

    Seq int,

    ActivityDate date,

    Type varchar(5)


    insert into #Info


    'Vehicle1' ,221, cast('2013-1-11'as date) ,'IN'

    union select

    'Vehicle1' ,223, cast('2013-1-15'as date) ,'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle1' ,226, cast('2013-1-15'as date) ,'IN'union select

    'Vehicle1' ,227, cast('2013-1-15'as date) ,'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle2' ,209, cast('2013-4-24' as date) ,'IN'union select

    'Vehicle2' ,210, cast('2013-4-24'as date) ,'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle2' ,211, cast('2013-4-24' as date) ,'IN'union select

    'Vehicle2' ,212, cast('2013-4-30' as date),'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle2' ,213, cast('2013-4-30' as date), 'IN'union select

    'Vehicle3' ,2 , cast('2013-1-11' as date), 'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle3' ,3 , cast('2013-1-14' as date), 'IN'union select

    'Vehicle4' ,152, cast('2013-1-3'as date), 'IN'union select

    'Vehicle4' ,153, cast('2013-1-4' as date), 'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle4' ,154, cast('2013-1-7'as date) , 'IN'union select

    'Vehicle4' ,158, cast('2013-1-17' as date), 'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle4' ,161, cast('2013-1-21' as date), 'IN'union select

    'Vehicle4' ,162, cast('2013-1-21' as date), 'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle4' ,163, cast('2013-1-25' as date), 'IN'union select

    'Vehicle4' ,164, cast('2013-1-30'as date), 'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle5' ,175, cast('2013-7-28' as date), 'IN'union select

    'Vehicle5' ,177, cast('2013-7-31' as date), 'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle5' ,182, cast('2013-7-31' as date), 'IN'union select

    'Vehicle5' ,184, cast('2013-8-20' as date), 'OUT'union select

    'Vehicle5' ,187, cast('2013-8-20' as date), 'IN'union select

    'Vehicle5' ,188, cast('2013-8-20'as date) , 'OUT'


    with CTE as(

    Select EQPT,




    DENSE_RANK() over ( order by Type) Type_rnk,

    DENSE_RANK() over (partition by EQPT,Type order by seq) rnk

    from #Info)

    select *

    from CTE a

    left join CTE b on a.EQPT=b.EQPT and a.rnk = b.rnk and a.Type_rnk+1 = b.Type_rnk

    where a.Type = 'IN'

    To some it may look best but to others it might be the worst, but then again to some it might be the worst but to others the best.

  • Thats awesome! I really appreciate your help thank you.

  • No prob at all. Hope this helped

    To some it may look best but to others it might be the worst, but then again to some it might be the worst but to others the best.

  • This has worked great but I would like to store the results in a table. Can I insert the return into a permanent table?

  • Hi

    Of course you can. Change the last select * from CTE to select * Into <permanent table> from CTE

    Kind regards

    To some it may look best but to others it might be the worst, but then again to some it might be the worst but to others the best.

  • That is awesome thanks again for the help I really appreciate it.

  • Hi

    No problem at all. That is why are here 🙂

    Kind Regards


    To some it may look best but to others it might be the worst, but then again to some it might be the worst but to others the best.

  • You may want to take a look at this article as it may also help to identify your options:

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
    [url url=

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