Commit within Cursor

  • I am trying to create a conversion script to load a table called POLine.  The keys are PLPO and PLSeq.  When I have multiple lines for a PO, I need to increment the PLSeq by 1.  The quanity of data is not large and this is a one-time conversion.  I am returning a PLSeq of 1 for each line item.  I believe the solution is to commit the changes within the cursor but a BEGIN TRANSACTION...COMMIT runs unusually long.

    I would appreciate any helpful hints!  Thanks in advance.

    Below is my script:

    set nocount on

    declare @Orderid varchar(10),

     @plseq int



     select distinct orderid from lines

    OPEN POLine_Cursor

    -- Perform the first fetch.

    FETCH NEXT FROM POLine_Cursor into @orderid

    -- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.



     If (Select max(plseq) from iams..poline

      where PLPO = (select distinct NewPO from transpo where wyzorderid = @orderid)) IS NULL


      set @plseq = 1



      set @plseq = (Select max(plseq)+1 from iams..poline

       where PLPO = (select distinct NewPO from transpo where wyzorderid = @orderid))

    Insert into iams..POLine (PLPO, PLSeq, PLCC, PLQty, PLComment,PLIsNoPackSlip,PLEIChanged,PLIsBuyTry)

    select t.NewPO, @PLSeq PLSeq, CostCenter, Quantity, Remarks,0,1,0

     from Lines l join transpo t on l.orderid = t.wyzorderid

     where l.orderid = @orderid

      and len(CostCenter) < 4

      and len(Quantity) < 5

      and len(Remarks) < 51

    -- This is executed as long as the previous fetch succeeds.

    FETCH NEXT FROM POLine_Cursor into @Orderid


    CLOSE POLine_Cursor

    DEALLOCATE POLine_Cursor

  • Can't say I'm extremly sure what you want, but it seems to me that you should be able to replace this line:

      set @plseq = (Select max(plseq)+1 from iams..poline

       where PLPO = (select distinct NewPO from transpo where wyzorderid = @orderid))


    set @plseq = @plseq +1

    which should improve performance somewhat.


  • Maybe....

    -- Create temporary table with identity / auto-incrementing number

    CREATE TABLE #Conv (ConvID int IDENTITY(1,1), OrderID int)

    -- Insert the existing orders, identity values are automatically created

    INSERT INTO #Conv (OrderID)

    SELECT OrderID FROM lines

    -- Insert into the new table

    Insert into iams..POLine (PLPO, PLSeq, PLCC, PLQty, PLComment,PLIsNoPackSlip,PLEIChanged,PLIsBuyTry)

    select t.NewPO, Conv.ConvID, CostCenter, Quantity, Remarks,0,1,0

     from Lines l join transpo t on l.orderid = t.wyzorderid

    INNER JOIN #Conv AS Conv

     ON Conv.OrderID = l.orderid

     where len(CostCenter) < 4

      and len(Quantity) < 5

      and len(Remarks) < 51


    Magic! No cursor.

    Julian Kuiters

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