Common questions asked in SQL Server DBA Interview

  • bryan van ritter (6/23/2009)

    Hi guys,

    what is wrong with us seriuous dba's. the guy just asked some questions about a possible interview he is going to undertake and you all are having discussions about databases and so on. you've got to give him some credit for even trying to get some info from pro's (i hope you all are)!!!!! and than some guy is telling him that he would contact the admin to remove this post. are you even from this planet. if you don't like this post than don't read it and don't even answer it. grow up..... you know i think everybody deserves a change in his live whether you are pikking up garbage or baking bread. so what let him. it is just good in these times to help each other. and don't brag with your certificates and so on. because i don't really believe in them you know. the best way to be a good dba is to learn it on the job. thats how i became a dba. so akshan don't let anyone fool you and just if you believe in yourselve you can do anything you want, that is at least what i tell my kids. having a dba approved diploma doesn't mean you understand your job. i have many examples of guys who got all of their exams and still don't know what the hell they are talking about when it comes to databases. i don't say that i am that good, but on the job experience for over 10 years now as an oracle dba for 8 years and sql dba for 2 years i think i've been around. so let us just stop this silly conversation and help each other on this great forum.


    normalizing a database begins with normalizing yourselve. once you've learned to get your stuff in order you will also do this to a database.

    We have no problem helping people improve their knowledge and abilities regarding SQL Server and all its components. We won't. howver, give someone a bunch of questions and answers to memorize in the hopes it will get them a job which they may not actually be qualified. Is that fair to others who may be qualified and don't get the job, or for the employer if it turns out they have to terminate the individual and hire someone else for the position? Giving answers like that does NO ONE any good and is, IMHO, unethical. Of course, if you are willing to compromise yours, please provide the OP with all the information you want, just do it off-line, not on this site. As professionals we have a duty not only to our employers and our peers, but to the community as a whole. We has DBA's are held in positions of extreme trust, and if we can compromise our values on this one issue, where else are we willing to compromise?

    I am the first to stand here and say ask questions to help clarify your understanding. Ask questions to help solve a problem or issue. But I will also stand here and ask you to show me what have you done so far in this regard.

  • Never mind... wrong post. πŸ˜‰

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  • Hi guys,

    Relax I had my interview on Saturday, and I cleared it. Thanks all of you for your questions, as these questions doen't help me much becuase i have to give the practical exposure also.

    Special Thanks to bryan van ritter :-), for supporting me.

  • Glad your interview went well.

    Savvy interviewers tend to lurk in these types of forums, monitoring what types of questions people ask, then shake up their own interviews by asking things you don't expect. There's just too many questions interviewers can use that a forum thread can't cover. In the end, you pass the interview or not on your own knowledge and skill anyway.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • well what i have done so far... i would suggest you read his final post. and furthermore if you read my previous answers on this post, you can see that i have given him the most important thing a person can give another "MOREL SUPPORT". i rest my case. i think that we should end this discussion and learn from this quest. i don't say i really disagree with all the answers given, but another aproach on this case would have been much better.

    still i find this site very usefull and have learned quite a lot so far.

    best regards,

    Bryan van Ritter

  • Hi Akash,

    nice to hear you've pulled through. does this also mean you've got the job or are you still waiting for an answer? well congratulations.

    best regards,

    Bryan van Ritter

  • bryan van ritter (6/24/2009)

    well what i have done so far... i would suggest you read his final post. and furthermore if you read my previous answers on this post, you can see that i have given him the most important thing a person can give another "MOREL SUPPORT". i rest my case. i think that we should end this discussion and learn from this quest. i don't say i really disagree with all the answers given, but another aproach on this case would have been much better.

    still i find this site very usefull and have learned quite a lot so far.

    best regards,

    Bryan van Ritter

    Thanks for stopping by to criticize everyone, even though you didn't manage contribute any answers to his questions.

    I’m sure your moral support went a long ways towards helping him get the job.

  • bryan van ritter (6/24/2009)

    well what i have done so far... i would suggest you read his final post. and furthermore if you read my previous answers on this post, you can see that i have given him the most important thing a person can give another "MOREL SUPPORT". i rest my case. i think that we should end this discussion and learn from this quest. i don't say i really disagree with all the answers given, but another aproach on this case would have been much better.

    First of all, we've all be giving him moral support.

    Secondly, You said in another post that if a person has issues with what's on a thread, not to read the thread.

    I honestly don't know what your trama is. You've hardly contributed to this thread and after your first post, you seem to want to attack everyone on the thread for talking about stuff that comes up in interviews. So, I re-iterate your own advice back to you. If you have issues, stop reading the thread. And please stop acting as if you're the only person who's done anything. Lots of other posters (and I'm not talking about myself) spent a lot of time trying to help the OP out and they deserve a lot of credit for that time.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Thanks a lot guys for all your support and moral busters.:-)

    I have got the job.:-)

  • i don't think you understand it. but who am i to say. so if you want credit for it so be it here is your credit man. great job πŸ˜€ now lets go on with our job and stop this immature discussion. maybe another time with a cup of coffee when you visit the netherlands.

    cheer up man and don't get irritated. πŸ˜€

  • Hi Akash,

    Congratulations man. If you visit the Netherlands one time come over and i'll buy you a cup of coffee. Good luck in practicing your new job as a DBA.

    best regards,


  • Welcome to the SSC Community. We frequently go off on tangents from the original question, but usually those tangents are related in some way with the topic (unless it is about sports/martial arts/pork chops/etc). There is much to be learned from these discussions if you pay attention.

    I found nothing in this thread that was immature or didn't provide some knowledge to someone who may read this thread.

    I also found no one, with perhaps one exception, looking for any credit for anything on this site.

  • bryan van ritter (6/24/2009)

    i don't think you understand it. but who am i to say. so if you want credit for it so be it here is your credit man. great job πŸ˜€ now lets go on with our job and stop this immature discussion. maybe another time with a cup of coffee when you visit the netherlands.

    cheer up man and don't get irritated. πŸ˜€

    SSC is an open forum (within reason), and we often digress into other areas. Feel free to disagree, post your own opinions, and be prepared to back them up. Or just ignore it and go your own way.

    For you to call people immature and to try to tell us to shutdown the discussion is not keeping within the spirit of this site.

    We can and will discuss anything we want on any thread we want anytime we want. If this thread turns into a violent disagreement on data modeling or forum etiquette instead of the original topic, so be it; it won’t be the first or last time.

  • Congrats Akash, i have been reading the entire post and found some real good debates. By the way where is your job location in India?

    Amol Naik

  • Hi,

    Could you please email me the screening sql server dba questions.

    email :

    I am a sql dba and would be looking out for a job.

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