Comparing 2 Months

  • I am trying to compare 2 months of data in SQL from the same table. It compares the data to see if members where in the previous month or not. If they were not...they are considered as an "Add". I was doing this manually comparing month to month but I want to automate this process where it will give the number of Adds for a specific time frame for each month. So far I have this and now I am stuck....any advice?

    Declare @ThisMonth datetime

    ,@lastMonth datetime

    SET @ThisMonth = '2009-08-01'

    SET @lastMonth = '2009-07-01'

    Select ThisMonth.EligMonth as Add_Month

    ,Count(thisMonth.Membid) as Adds

    FROM where LastMonth.MEMBID is null

    (select MEMBID, EligMonth

    from dbo.Membership_Final

    where EligMonth = @ThisMonth

    group by MEMBID, EligMonth) as ThisMonth

    left join

    (select MEMBID, EligMonth

    from dbo.Membership_Final

    where EligMonth = @lastMonth

    group by MEMBID, EligMonth) as LastMonth

  • table structure and sample data would really help, but you could probably do something like this:



    SET @startDate = '2009-01-01'

    SET @endDate = '2009-12-01'





    WHEN m2.MEMBID IS NULL OR DATEDIFF(mm, m2.EligMonth, m1.EligMonth) = 1 THEN 'ADD'



    ) AS [Status]

    FROM [SomeTable] m1

    JOIN [SomeTable] m2 ON m1.MEMBID = m2.MEMBID AND m1.[IdentityField] = m2.[IdentityField]

    this is of course dependant upon you having some identity field in the table to differentiate the records. if you don't, then you'll have to use the ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ORDER BY) in order to create a pseudo-identifier field to use.

    *edited to fix some code problems

  • Why can't you just test their membership date against the first day of this month?

    declare @sample table (member int, memberDate datetime)

    insert into @sample

    select 1, '7/9/2009' union all

    select 2, '7/19/2009' union all

    select 3, '8/1/2009' union all

    select 4, '8/11/2009'


    declare @thisMonth datetime

    set @thisMonth = dateadd(mm,datediff(mm,0,getdate()),0)

    select @thisMonth as [@thisMonth]

    select 'Add' as Action,* from @sample

    where memberDate >= @thisMonth


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • if i understood his requirement correctly, what he wants to do is find all the members who didn't have a membership the month before their current one.

  • If a member can appear multiple times with multiple eligibility dates, and you are ONLY concerned about the current month and the previous month, then

    declare @sample table (member int, eligibleDate datetime)

    insert into @sample

    select 1, '7/9/2009' union all

    select 2, '7/19/2009' union all

    select 2, '8/19/2009' union all -- 2,3, and 4 are current month but only 2 was last month

    select 3, '8/1/2009' union all

    select 4, '8/11/2009'

    declare @thisMonth datetime, @lastMonth datetime, @nextMonth datetime

    set @thisMonth = dateadd(mm,datediff(mm,0,getdate()),0)

    set @lastMonth = dateadd(mm,-1,@thisMonth)

    select @thisMonth as [@thisMonth]


    select *

    from @sample s1

    where eligibleDate >= @thisMonth

    and member not in (select member from @sample where eligibleDate >= @lastmonth and eligibleDate < @thisMonth)


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • You are right of course that it would be nice to have some sample data from the author of the question. For example, we don't know if a member might appear multiple times in the same month with differing eligibility dates. If so, a SELECT DISTINCT or two is in order.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • All, here is a sample data set. So basically I am looking for members who are in the new months table and not in the previous months. They would be considered an "Add". In this case i would have 2 Adds for 2009-08-01

    Previous Months:

    EligMonth MEMBID

    2009-07-01 899931100

    2009-07-01 899931700

    2009-07-01 899931000


    2009-08-01 899931100

    2009-08-01 899931600

    2009-08-01 899931500

  • With the column changes in place, this works.

    declare @sample table (eligMonth dateTime, membID int)

    insert into @sample

    select '2009-07-01', 899931100 union all

    select '2009-07-01', 899931700 union all

    select '2009-07-01', 899931000 union all

    select '2009-08-01', 899931100 union all

    select '2009-08-01', 899931600 union all

    select '2009-08-01', 899931500

    declare @thisMonth datetime, @lastMonth datetime, @nextMonth datetime

    set @thisMonth = dateadd(mm,datediff(mm,0,getdate()),0)

    set @lastMonth = dateadd(mm,-1,@thisMonth)

    select @thisMonth as [@thisMonth]

    select *

    from @sample s1

    where eligMonth >= @thisMonth

    and membID not in (select membID from @sample where eligMonth >= @lastmonth and eligMonth < @thisMonth)


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Without sample data it's really hard to know, but it sounds like you don't really need to compare months, you just want members who were added this month. There is a much simpler way to get this info.

    Declare @ThisMonth datetime

    ,@lastMonth datetime

    SET @ThisMonth = '2009-08-01'

    SET @lastMonth = '2009-07-01'

    SELECT Add_Month, Count(MembID) AS Adds

    FROM (

    select MEMBID, Min(EligMonth) As Add_Month

    from dbo.Membership_Final

    where EligMonth >= @LastMonth -- This may not be necessary

    group by MEMBID

    HAVING Min(EligMonth) >= @ThisMonth

    ) AS Recent_Adds

    GROUP BY Add_Month

    If you look at this as a property of the Member (minimum EligMonth) rather than comparing two different months, the solution is much easier to spot.


    Edited to correct column name and add a GROUP BY on the outer query.

    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Thank You Guys...much appreciated!!

  • The way I interpreted this thread was that what was needed was a count of new members that were not members the previous month. Have changed the MemberID's to smaller integers for testing so what are everyones thoughts on this?

    DECLARE @Table TABLE(EligMonth DATETIME, MemberID INT)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES('2009-06-01', 1)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES('2009-06-01', 2)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES('2009-06-01', 3)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES('2009-07-01', 1)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES('2009-07-01', 4)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES('2009-07-01', 6)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES('2009-07-01', 10)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES('2009-08-01', 6)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES('2009-08-01', 1)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES('2009-08-01', 7)

    INSERT INTO @Table VALUES('2009-08-01', 9)

    ; WITH myCTE(EligMonth, MemberID, SomeField) AS





    CASE WHEN T.MemberID IN(SELECT MemberID FROM @Table WHERE EligMonth = DATEADD(M,-1,T.EligMonth)) THEN 0

    -- You can remove the below if you want to, to show members never in the table

    WHEN T.EligMonth = (SELECT MIN(EligMonth) FROM @Table) THEN 0

    ELSE 1


    FROM @Table T




    SUM(SomeField) AS NewMembersThisMonth

    FROM myCTE

    GROUP BY EligMonth



    2009-06-01 00:00:00.000|0

    2009-07-01 00:00:00.000|3

    2009-08-01 00:00:00.000|2

    Actual Data within the CTE:


    2009-06-01 00:00:00.000|1|0

    2009-06-01 00:00:00.000|2|0

    2009-06-01 00:00:00.000|3|0

    2009-07-01 00:00:00.000|1|0

    2009-07-01 00:00:00.000|4|1

    2009-07-01 00:00:00.000|6|1

    2009-07-01 00:00:00.000|10|1

    2009-08-01 00:00:00.000|6|0

    2009-08-01 00:00:00.000|1|0

    2009-08-01 00:00:00.000|7|1

    2009-08-01 00:00:00.000|9|1

    You can see from june to july the new members were 4, 6 and 10

    from july to august the new members are 7 and 9.

    The CTE is obviously not needed, used for testing and I was thinking - if the member needed to be added specifically to another table the CTE woud provide the [SomeField] Column to help with the DML.


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