Comparing column defaults between 2 databases

  • Hi all,

    got a strange request thrown across my desk.

    there are 2 databases (lets use db1 and db2) with the same schema except for the column defaults and it has been requested for a script to be developed to compare the column defaults between db1 and db2 and update the column defaults of db2 if they don't match db1.

    I was considering using the sp_columns_rowset2 stored proc to dump the column information from db1 and db2 into temporary tables and comparing these to flag which columns are different. Then from there outputting the differences to another table which i could use to dynamically build update statements to modify the column defaults in db2.

    has anyone seen a script or an easy method of completing the task??? trying not to reinvent the wheel here.


  • I'd use a tool like RedGate SQLCompare or Apex SQLDiff.

    If you have to have a script, this should get you started:

    SELECT AS table_name, AS default_name,

    DC.definition, AS column_Name,

    'Alter Table ' + + ' Add Constraint ' + + ' Default ' + DC.definition + ' For ' +


    db1.sys.default_constraints AS DC JOIN

    db1.sys.tables T ON

    DC.parent_object_id = T.object_id JOIN

    db1.sys.columns AS C ON

    T.object_id = C.object_id AND

    DC.parent_column_id = C.column_id


    SELECT AS table_name, AS default_name,

    DC.definition, AS column_Name,

    'Alter Table ' + + ' Add Constraint ' + + ' Default ' + DC.definition + ' For ' +


    db2.sys.default_constraints AS DC JOIN

    db2.sys.tables T ON

    DC.parent_object_id = T.object_id JOIN

    db2.sys.columns AS C ON

    T.object_id = C.object_id AND

    DC.parent_column_id = C.column_id

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • Thanks Jack, greatly appreciated. This will go a long way to solving the problem.

  • There is also a cheaper alternative to RedGate and Apex SQL Diff. These are both excellent tools but are quite expensive. Alternatively there is a tool for around $20 US that will do the job for you. It even has a free trial with limited functionality but not time limits. Check out SQLC[/url]

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