Compatibility Level versus the Real Version

  • We have a third party application that "supports" up through SQL Server 2016. We are planning this year's SQL Server upgrades, and we would like to get all our machines on SQL Server 2017 to simplify administration. I would like to run the application's database at Compatibility Level 2016 on a 2017 instance. Has anyone had any troubles with this type of scenario (not limited to these two specific versions)?


  • I have not had any issues with running the databases in a compatibility mode BUT what you might run into is that if your application has problems and its not vendor supported(on  2017) they might come back and tell you that they cant help because they don't support the application on 2017 in compatibility mode.  The SQL aspects will most likely be okay... Call vendor and get support verification and see what they say.  Just my .02 🙂  good luck


  • I agree with DHeath above.  It doesn't matter what any of us think or say.  It only matters what the vendor says.  Ask them to verify and then sign off on it if they agree because if you don't get the signoff, you don't actually have an agreement.

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  • Man! You guys have to go and take the fun out of everything 😉. But, yeah, you're probably right. Thank you.


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