Complex Matrix Reporting

  • Hi


    I have a data like this

    drop table #table

    select 34 as A,17948 as B,0.19 as C,19 as D,16145 as E,'Jan' as Period into #table

    Insert into #table

    select 26 as A,14206 as B,0.18 as C,19 as D,13411 as E,'Feb' as Period

    union all

    select 38 as A,13037 as B,0.21 as C,18 as D,14974 as E,'Mar' as Period

    select * from #table

    From this #table i want the view as below format and is doable thru matrix report option in SSRS,but the problem i am running is that i cannot get in this type of data type format. If you look into it,i have column with header 'Jan' and it has data in different data type e.g money,number,percentage. I need to maintain this data type in order to do the calculation after it generates the report on excel spreadsheet. If i use the varchar for the column, it is not usable to me in the final report and i cannot do the calcualtion. Any workaround will be highly appreciated.

    Jan Feb Mar

    A $34 $26 $26

    B 17,948 14,206 13,037

    C $0.19 $0.18 $0.21

    D 19% 19% 18%

    E $16,145 $13,411 $14,974



  • You'll need an expression in the format property of the field, and some value you can anchor it to. For instance, if you know row "A" will always be currency, your format property can say "If thisColumn.Value = A then format as currency, if B then percentage, etc." If you don't always know the intended format of a row ahead of time, you'll have to find something else the code can count on, maybe an extra column you put in the dataset that specifies the format.

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