Complex query?

  • Hello,

    I have two tables from which I want to query info.


    classid...title... location... classlength... startdate...enddate...facilitator

    1 classname training rm#1 1.5 4/1/2005 4/5/2005 John Q.

    2 clsname2 training rm#2 3 4/6/2005 4/8/2005 Suzy Q.


    And ...


    classid.... employeeid....

    1 424

    2 424

    3 229

    4 229

    1 229

    2 229

    5 121


    Classinfo is just class information table and the trainrec is a bridge (associate) to the employee table and the classid table...

    From these tables I need to find the total number of employees with less than 6 hours of training, 6 to 18 hours of training and more than 18 hours of training. I'm able to get the sum of training by groups of employeeids. for this I use:

    SELECT SUM(classinfo.classlength) AS classlength, trainrec.employeeid

    FROM classinfo

    INNER JOIN trainrec

    ON classinfo.classid = trainrec.classid

    GROUP BY trainrec.employeeid

    ... This gives me something like this

    sum... employeeid(grouped)...

    3 211

    4 223

    1 272

    Now I need to count the employees with these totals < 6, >= 6 and <=18, > 18.

    The kicker to all this is I need to do this by startdate. So, from these tables I need to find total hours by employeeid by date.

    Once I get this done I'm going to put in a sproc and provide it to the webmaster for query in classic asp.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks for anything you have...


    Jim Jesska

  • Just what does it mean "by date"? In case you need to find out what the totals were at a certain date, then it shouldn't be too complicated. BTW, you didn't mention DDL, so I supposed that startdate is a DATETIME datatype. @date would be a parameter of your SP... here I declared it to test the functionality.

    create table classinfo(classid int, classlength float, startdate datetime)

    create table trainrec (classid int, employeeid int)

    insert into classinfo values (1, 1.5, '20050401')

    insert into classinfo values (2, 3, '20050406')

    insert into classinfo values (3, 9, '20050402')

    insert into trainrec values (1,424)

    insert into trainrec values (2,424)

    insert into trainrec values (3,229)

    insert into trainrec values (4,229)

    insert into trainrec values (1,229)

    insert into trainrec values (2,229)

    insert into trainrec values (5,121)

    insert into trainrec values (1,424)

    DECLARE @date datetime

    SET @date = '20050402'

    SELECT Q.trainlevel, count(*)


    (SELECT t.employeeid, SUM(c.classlength) AS length,

    CASE  WHEN SUM(c.classlength) < 6 THEN '<6'

     WHEN SUM(c.classlength) <=18 THEN '6-18'

     ELSE '>18' END as trainlevel

    FROM classinfo c

    JOIN trainrec t ON c.classid = t.classid AND c.startdate <= @date

    GROUP BY t.employeeid ) AS Q

    GROUP BY Q.trainlevel

    If "by date" meant something different, please elaborate on the explanation a bit.

  • use northwind


     sum(case when isnull(freight,0)=0 then 1 else 0 end) as 'ohne Fracht'

     , sum(case when isnull(freight,0)>0 and isnull(freight,0)<18 then 1 else 0 end) as 'unter 18'

     , sum(case when isnull(freight,0)>=18 and isnull(freight,0)<24 then 1 else 0 end) as  'zwischen 18 und 24'

     , sum(case when isnull(freight,0)>=24 and isnull(freight,0)<65 then 1 else 0 end)  'zwischen 24 und 65'

     , sum(case when isnull(freight,0)>=65 then 1 else 0 end) 'über 65'



    ohne Fracht unter 18    zwischen 18 und 24 zwischen 24 und 65 über 65    

    ----------- ----------- ------------------ ------------------ -----------

    0           253         48                 236                293

    (1 row(s) affected)

    Just put your query in the FROM clause, modify the ranges you want to be counted. That should be it.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

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