Compound Select to concat rows to 1 column

  • Ok I'm trying to select information from two tables that have a 1 to many relationship.

    Instead of returning a row for each "many" relationship I want to just concatonate the character value into a single field.

    so for instance. Table A has value 1 which links to Table B that has Values X,Y,Z

    A standard select would be: Select A.Column1, B.Column2 from A, B where A.Column1 = B.Column1

    This would return

    1 X

    1 Y

    1 Z

    Instead I want to Return

    1 'X,Y,Z'  , i.e. 1 row for each parent concatonating the only value I'm retrieving from the child table.

    Anyone have a better way than I'm doing it using a massive cursor?  I think this can be done using a simple compound select




  • IF Object_id('ListTableColumns') > 0

    DROP FUNCTION ListTableColumns


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ListTableColumns (@TableID as int)

    RETURNS varchar(8000)



    Declare @Items as varchar(8000)

    SET @Items = ''


    @Items = @Items + C.Name + ', '

    FROM dbo.SysColumns C

    WHERE = @TableID

    AND OBJECTPROPERTY(@TableID, 'IsTable') = 1

    ORDER BY C.Name

    SET @Items = LEFT(@Items, ABS(DATALENGTH(@Items) - 2))

    RETURN @Items



    Select dbo.ListTableColumns(Object_id('SysObjects'))

    --base_schema_ver, cache, category, crdate, deltrig, ftcatid, id, indexdel, info, instrig, name, parent_obj, refdate, replinfo, schema_ver, seltrig, stats_schema_ver, status, sysstat, type, uid, updtrig, userstat, version, xtype

    DROP FUNCTION ListTableColumns

  • No Cursor, Where there's a will there's a way.

    This is a common request. A little review of the existing posts would have revealed a little somthing like this.

    create table Widget(pk int, Name varchar(50))

    Create table WidgetPart (pk int identity, WidgetPK int, Name varchar(50))

    Insert into Widget (pk, Name)

    Values (1, 'Flert')

    Insert into Widget (pk, Name)

    Values (2, 'Molnar')

    Insert into Widget (pk, Name)

    Values (3, 'Xilt')

    Insert into WidgetPart(WidgetPK, Name)


    Insert into WidgetPart(WidgetPK, Name)


    Insert into WidgetPart(WidgetPK, Name)


    Insert into WidgetPart(WidgetPK, Name)


    Insert into WidgetPart(WidgetPK, Name)


    Insert into WidgetPart(WidgetPK, Name)


    Insert into WidgetPart(WidgetPK, Name)


    -- Create an inline Function


        FROM   sysobjects

        WHERE  name = N'udf_ReturnWidgetParts')

     DROP FUNCTION udf_ReturnWidgetParts


    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_ReturnWidgetParts

     (@WidgetPK as int)

    RETURNS varchar(1000)



    Declare @WidgetParts varchar(1000)

    -- This Statement Concatenates all names for a widgetpk into a variable, adding a comma.

        Select @WidgetParts = coalesce(@WidgetParts,'') + Name + ','

        from WidgetPart

        where WidgetPK = @WidgetPK

    Return @WidgetParts



    Select *, dbo.udf_ReturnWidgetParts(pk)

    from Widget

    -- Results

    1 Flert X,Y,Z,

    2 Molnar X,Y,

    3 Xilt X,Z,

    Drop table Widget

    Drop table WidgetPart

    Drop Function udf_ReturnWidgetParts

  • This could also help, for A(Column1) and B(Column1,Column2), if you only have sql7

    create procedure p_listBcols


    select Column1

    , min(Column2) Column2

    , convert(varchar(80),min(Column2) ) Col2List

    into #x

    from B

    group by Column1

    while (@@rowcount>0)

    update #x set

    #x.Col2List = #x.Col2List +','+ (select min(Column2) from B where B.Column1=#x.Column1 and #x.Column2<B.Column2)


    #x.Column2=(select min(Column2) from B where B.Column1=#x.Column1 and #x.Column2<B.Column2)

    from B where B.Column1=#x.Column1 and #x.Column2<B.Column2

    select Column1, Col2list from #x


  • I got this working since I have a SP that is already walking down the entries in table 1.


    SET @RefDes = ''

    select  @RefDes = @RefDes +  ref_des + ', ' from  A 

    right outer JOIN

               B ON A.job = B.job AND A.suffix = B.suffix AND A.oper_num = B.oper_num AND A.sequence = B.sequence where A.job =  @JOB and B.item = @part

    order by ref_des

    I can't use temp tables b/c I'm calling it with BCP.  The only problem I have now is that my list @RefDes will have duplicates in it since there are duplicates in the table A

    I can't use 'select distinct' in front of my statement since it will only returns the last item in the list then

    for instance I have "1,2,3,1,5,4,2" using distinct it returns only "2,"

    I guess I need to write a function now that I pass a list to and pulls out the dups?




  • Check out this split code, just make a function out of it. Just do select Distinct EachId from dbo.fnSlip('1,2,3', ',')

    Declare @vcDelimiter varchar(3)

    Declare @IDs varchar(8000)

    SET @IDs = '31,5,7,9,12'

    SET @vcDelimiter = ','

    Select dtSplitted.EachID, Rank from (

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@vcDelimiter + @IDs + @vcDelimiter, N.PkNumber + len(@vcDelimiter),

    CHARINDEX(@vcDelimiter, @vcDelimiter + @IDs + @vcDelimiter, N.PkNumber + len(@vcDelimiter)) - N.PkNumber - len(@vcDelimiter)) as EachID

    , (LEN(SUBSTRING(@IDs, 1, N.PkNumber)) - LEN (REPLACE (SUBSTRING(@IDs, 1, N.PkNumber), ',', ''))) + 1 AS Rank

    FROM dbo.Numbers N

    WHERE SUBSTRING(@vcDelimiter + @IDs + @vcDelimiter, N.PkNumber, len(@vcDelimiter)) = @vcDelimiter

    AND PkNumber 0

  • Forgot to include this part :

    --I use this table for many other string operations as well

    CREATE TABLE [Numbers] (

    [PkNumber] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,




    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    Declare @i as int

    set @i = 0

    while @i < 8000


    Insert into dbo.Numbers Default values

    set @i = @i + 1



  • SET @RefDes = ''

    select  @RefDes = @RefDes +

      CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(','+ref_des+', ',','+@RefDes)>0 THEN '' ELSE ref_des + ', ' END

    from  A 

    right outer JOIN

        B ON A.job = B.job AND A.suffix = B.suffix

        AND A.oper_num = B.oper_num AND A.sequence = B.sequence

    where A.job =  @JOB and B.item = @part

    order by ref_des

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Have you read this ?? Charindex is the slowest solution for this type of problems :

    Arrays and Lists in SQL Server

  • Any string manipulation is slow and it is all relative to the size of the dataset

    therefore another alternative

    SET @RefDes = ''

    select  @RefDes = @RefDes + ref_des + ', '

    from (

    select distinct ref_des

    from  A 

    right outer JOIN

        B ON A.job = B.job AND A.suffix = B.suffix

        AND A.oper_num = B.oper_num AND A.sequence = B.sequence

    where A.job =  @JOB and B.item = @part

    ) x

    order by ref_des

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • My bad, I thaught you were writting the split code...

  • np, sets a challenge to rethink the solution, always a good idea

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • How about finding 3 other ways then .

  • Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Thanks guys,


    I used David's last approach.  Simple and easy and response time is super fast for my record set.

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