Comprehensive Baseline Collector Solution

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Comprehensive Baseline Collector Solution

  • Thanks for providing a clear license in the downloaded code. I wish I could find it clearly discussed in the article as well.

  • How does it compare to MDW (master data warehouse)?

  • Unfortunately I don't know. I did not try it.

  • Robert Sterbal-482516 (10/20/2014)

    Thanks for providing a clear license in the downloaded code. I wish I could find it clearly discussed in the article as well.

    I intentionally did not write the license into the article. You can find the license info here as well:

  • This is an incredibly useful solution! Thank you for sharing all your hard work with the community!

  • thanks for sharing!

    I am tweeting and blogging your post. Sometimes a simple solution that can be customized with the least possible effort is the best way to get things done.

    I love complete monitoring tools like SQLMonitor, but when I need to colect some data on a remote server that I can't install a lot of stuff on, only base sql scripts will do the work.

    I'm spreading the word about your article on Tweeter and WordPress too.


  • I'm yet to read the article in full, but in principal, the concept is great. All too often, people ignore a baseline and then wonder what is the "norm" when the things go south.

    Looking forward to reading it in fall a little later!

  • This is some good stuff, nice work. Good alternative if you can't purchase a 3rd party tool.

  • What a fascinating script. Thanks.

  • Hi Robert !

    I liked your post !!! Congratulations !!!

    I did something from this way, but after collected, imported in SQL Server using Relog.

    I needed to create combination between some counters, to have informations that i could compare with some metrics.

    Other counter, i used only to baseline.

    Because i wanted to generate an application, i needed to create some formulas with the counters used with metrics, formulas that were interpreted by a stored procedure. Some metrics have intervals (disk has good, bad,etc..), and others only limits.

    I had samples by minute, so in a month, around of 42.000 samples.

    Then wanted to generate some graphics to see the infomation better, but 42.000 samples are alot!!!

    I put some filters to use in population, to get the job interval and, in some cases, didnt get weekdays.

    Then, finally, i needed to do a store procedure to get less samples, but, without lose the major (or minor, depending the counter) values to put in graphics. I did a stored procedure that have two parameters, how many major (or minor) values and how many samples between two major (or minor) samples.

    I think that you will talk about in next time.

  • Helpful additional scripts:

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