compression software

  • Hi,

    When database backup size is more than certain size - compressed(zip) folder - is not compressing it.

    Are there any free tool which does compression without any limit on the file size.



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  • On my experienci i'm ussing rar instead of zip , it compress more that zip. The bigger file that i have compress is 55 GB. Who big is yours ?

    Pedro R. Lopez[/url]

  • If you want something free, Gzip may work. I won't say that it's fast, but I believe there are no limits on file size.


  • Could it be that space is an issue ? You have to have enough free space on the given disk to support the uncompressed file, the compressed file and any other associated work files (if the work files are on C:\TEMP maybe that volume is not large enough).

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • I agree with Rudy I ran into problems with this when I was writing a procedure to do this with WinZip. Once I found that it allows you to name a location for the workfiles I was able to compress database backups upto 100GB. 

    I use the command line add in to WinZip.


  • Not sure of it's price, or if it's free or not, but we use sql zip extentisvly without problems...

  • If you back it up using disk or tape via arcserver/backupexec, the software will compress the backup file onto the selected storage device for you. If you need to copy it between servers then you can also restore to another device.

    With backup technology and $$$ for storage today, their is less and less advantages using the zip/compression method to store localy on disk.

  • rar is pretty good but why not a Backup vendor like Quest (with LiteSpeed) or Red-Gate? Does anyone know if they have 2005 versions out yet? Or will soon?


  • One of the requirements was free. Thus Gzip or something similar. I don't think RAR is free, but it's an option.

    LiteSpeed has a 2005 version ready. Not sure about Red-Gate.

    If the budget allows, I like Litespeed for functionality - plugs right in and pretty much just works. Only major drawback I encoutered was the need to extract backups when restoring to a system without litespeed.


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