Computed column help, or another direction?

  • They want to build a DB for our pc naming which will automatically give the pc techs the next pcname to use when installing a new pc.

    PC naming convention is PC (1-2) Region(3) Dept(4-7) and number(9-11) ex: pcdADM001.

    I setup tables with Region table and Dept Table for pc tech to pick from.

    Now setting up Pcname table with Region, DEPT, Number, pcname, and pcfullname

    Pcname is computed column 'PC' + [region]+[Dept] so with example above would be PCdADM.

    I then need to figure out how to get Number column to be Max(Number) + 1 so if add next pcdADM pc it will search for pcname = PcdADM and find the max value for number and add 1. So 002. Then I can compute pcfullname as pcname+number or PCdADM002.

    Or would it just be easier to code that in the front end(ASP) so once pctech chooses from list fields SQL computes the pcname they can click on get next pcfullname and the code will do the search of the SQL and the number field and insert number into the SQL. Ok I think that is the way to go so might have answered my own question here.

    Not looking for code write or anything just looking at advise or if anyone has done something like this and what would be the best route.


  • I'd compute it in the proc that inserts the record. Parameters for region and dept, then insert and return the full name. That'll be easier than a computed column.

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  • CELKO (11/19/2010)

    ...The un-issued serial numbers will have NULLs in those columns...

    Wow Celko, I am surprised that you of all people would suggest to use NULL like this. In your proposed idea you would be using a NULL to indicate that it is not issued. I have a rule against using NULL to indicate the status of something. In a case like this I would add a bit field IsAssigned. 😉


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  • I like the idea.. But the sure number of pc's not to include the number of possible regions, then departments within that regions would make it extremely time consuming to create the pcfullname in advance. Guess I could create a proc to populate by grabbing region + dept out of thier tables and then creating 100 or whatever pcfullnames + number I would want. Issue there is there would be a lot of unused rows as some departments would need only a couple numbers while some would require many.

    Think I may just design the tables then have the front end code get the region and department from the pc tech and then have that search the table for MAX number with that pc(region)Dept) then add one and populate the Pcfullname column with result.



  • Jeff Sims-413169 (11/19/2010)

    They want to build a DB for our pc naming which will automatically give the pc techs the next pcname to use when installing a new pc.

    PC naming convention is PC (1-2) Region(3) Dept(4-7) and number(9-11) ex: pcdADM001.

    I setup tables with Region table and Dept Table for pc tech to pick from.

    Now setting up Pcname table with Region, DEPT, Number, pcname, and pcfullname

    Pcname is computed column 'PC' + [region]+[Dept] so with example above would be PCdADM.

    I then need to figure out how to get Number column to be Max(Number) + 1 so if add next pcdADM pc it will search for pcname = PcdADM and find the max value for number and add 1. So 002. Then I can compute pcfullname as pcname+number or PCdADM002.

    Or would it just be easier to code that in the front end(ASP) so once pctech chooses from list fields SQL computes the pcname they can click on get next pcfullname and the code will do the search of the SQL and the number field and insert number into the SQL. Ok I think that is the way to go so might have answered my own question here.

    Not looking for code write or anything just looking at advise or if anyone has done something like this and what would be the best route.


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