Computer grabbing all IP Adresses - is SQL Server instance involved?

  • Hi:

    Thanks in advance for any feedback on this.

    DHCP Client is turned off on this W2K server.  A static IP Address is assigned.  A brand new network card has been installed in the server.  When the server is started after a power shut down, all is well for a few minutes, then all available IP Addresses are taken.

    This issue arose yesterday, and no other changes that I can think of to the machine have occurred.  NAV Corporate is running on this box.  Windows Updates are automatically occurring each morning at 3:00 AM.

    Could this be one of those SQL Server injection viruses? 

    I have little to no knowledge of what exactly a SQL Server injection is, so I'll be researching Microsoft's web site.  In the meantime I thought I'd post this to all you experts out there.

    Again, thanks for any recommendations/advice.


  • When you say all available IP addresses were taken, what was reporting that issue?

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Hi bkelley:

    Can't answer your question, as the computer in question is at a remote site and I'm working with the local IT guy (via phone) at the store there.  Apparently this one server is preventing, bottlenecking, choking all network traffic.  This server is open to the public internet, as it is used to transfer data between my office and the remote site where this computer lives.

    The next scheduled data transfer will occur at 3:00 AM tomorrow morning (Friday, 16 April, 2004), if we can get this resolved.  The IT guy at the remote site and I are working in parallel, (with me researching and he working on the machine) trying to isolate, and then resolve whatever is causing this.

    Apologies for the dearth of information...



  • Okay, that's a bit different. You say it's choking all the network traffic and it's exposed to the Internet. When you get a chance, if you issue a @@VERISON on it, what is returned? Also, is there anything between the SQL Server and the Internet that provides any filtering... firewall, etc?

    K. Brian Kelley

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