Computing age in months with decimal accuracy

  • I am working on a project to collect infant/child information and then provide their percentile range. The problem is that the data from the growth charts represent age in half month increments (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, etc.). I need a straightforward way to determine the age in months as a decimal value to determine which range they fall within.

  • Maybe this?

    declare @dob datetime

    declare @today datetime

    set @dob='20090508'

    set @today=getdate()

    select cast(datediff(day,@dob,@today)/15 as decimal(6,1))/cast(2 as decimal(6,1))


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  • I want the result to be specific to a decimal, not averaged to the whole or half number value. See my working code.

    Declare @dtDOB smalldatetime

    Declare @dtDate smalldatetime

    SET @dtDOB = '10/1/2009'

    SET @dtDate = Getdate()

    IF (datepart(mm, @dtDOB) = datepart(mm, @dtDate)) and (datepart(yy, @dtDOB) = datepart(yy, @dtDate))


    Print datediff(dd, @dtDOB, @dtDate)/ 30.5


    ELSE IF (datepart(dd, @dtDOB) < datepart(dd, @dtDate))


    Print datediff(mm, @dtDOB, @dtDate) - (datepart(dd, @dtDate) - datepart(dd, @dtDOB)) / 30.5


    ELSE IF (datepart(dd, @dtDOB) = datepart(dd, @dtDate))


    Print datediff(mm, @dtDOB, @dtDate)


    ELSE IF (datepart(dd, @dtDOB) > datepart(dd, @dtDate))


    Print (datediff(mm, @dtDOB, @dtDate) - 1) + ((30.5 - datepart(dd, @dtDOB)) + datepart(dd, @dtDate)) / 30.5


  • There problem is that a month is not a set amount of time, so you have to define exactly what a half month and full month are?

    If you are born on Jan 31, 2009, when are you a half month older? Feb 14, Feb 15, etc? On what date are you a full month older?

    Once you define the rules for how you determine the age in decimal months, then developing code to do it should be fairly easy.

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