Concantenating data from diff records

  • I have two tables : Master and History. Whenever a record in Master table is changed, the old version is sent to the History table along with Comments. So the History table will have 1 or more records for each record in Master table.

    I need to have all the comments (from History table) for a particular record from Master concatenated together (with line breaks) for display.

    Is there any other way other than using cursors or while loop to do this?

    Any ideas/suggestions will be highly appreciated!


    Geetali Sodhi

  • Try a UDF

    -- Set up Test Scenario

    use pubs

    Create table mytable (pk int identity, [ID] int, col varchar(20))

    insert into mytable ([id],col)

    select 1, 'aaa' union

    select 2, 'bbb' union

    select 3, 'ccc' union

    select 3, 'ddd' union

    select 4, 'eee' union

    select 5, 'fff' union

    select 5, 'ggg' union

    select 6, 'hhh'

    -- =============================================

    -- Create scalar function (FN)

    -- =============================================


        FROM   sysobjects

        WHERE  name = N'fn_ConcatStrings')

     DROP FUNCTION fn_ConcatStrings


    CREATE FUNCTION fn_ConcatStrings

     (@ID int)

    RETURNS varchar(500)



    declare @String varchar(500)

    select @String = coalesce(@String,'') + Col + ','

    from mytable

    where [Id] = @ID

    if Right(@String,1) = ','

        set @String = substring(@String,1,len(@String) -1)

    return @String




    -- =============================================

    -- Example to execute function

    -- =============================================

    SELECT [id], dbo.fn_ConcatStrings ([id])

    from mytable

    where pk = 3


    drop table Mytable

    DROP FUNCTION fn_ConcatStrings

  • Thanks a lot Ray. It took only 5 mins to implement this.


    Geetali Sodhi

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