Concatenating in select statement?

  • Hi all,

    I have the following table:

    Table1([ID] int,[Name] varchar(255))

    This table simply stores a unique ID for each row and a name.  The name CAN be duplicated for different records, so for example, ID's 1 and 2 can both have the name 'Test'.

    Now, what I want is to create a query that will return a table with two columns: Table2([Name] varchar(255), [ID_List] varchar(255))

    I want this table to display all distinct [Name]s in one column and a list of IDs in the next column which have that name.  So for example, from the same data discussed above for Table1, Table2 will have: ('Test', '1,2').

    So basically I want to have the ID's concatenated into a single string stored in the second column.

    Anyone have a clue how to do this?



  • There must be dosen clues just in this forum for the last week.

    Would you bother to browse forum first?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • If I could find what you're referring to, then I wouldn't post my message.  Obviously I did not find it.

    Thanks for the lecture anyway.

  • do you want that in single query?

    This cabe easily be achived by using cursors..



  • Declare @Name Varchar(255)

    Declare @ID_LIST Varchar(255)

    Declare @Temp Table


    Name varchar(255),

    ID_LIST Varchar(255)


    Declare cur1 scroll cursor for Select name from table1 group by Name

    Open cur1

    Fetch cur1 into @Name while @@Fetch_Status =0


    Set @ID_LIST=null

    Select @ID_LIST = COALESCE(@ID_LIST + ', ', '') + CAST(ID as varchar) FROM Table1 where name =@Name

    Insert into @Temp Values (@Name, @ID_LIST)

    Fetch cur1 into @Name


    Close cur1

    Deallocate cur1

    Select * from @temp


  • We should probably look into creating a sticky post with a FAQ. This question, in particular, seems to come up two or three times a week.

    CREATE FUNCTION ConcatID (@vName varchar(50))

    RETURNS varchar(50)



    DECLARE @myString varchar(50)

    SET @myString = ''

    SELECT @myString = @myString + CAST(Table1.ID AS Varchar(10)) + ','

    FROM Table1

    WHERE Table1.[Name] = @vName

    RETURN @myString


    SELECT [Name], ConcatName([Name]) AS IDList

    FROM Table1

    GROUP BY [Name]

  • quote There must be dosen clues just in this forum for the last week.

    Yep and even longer than that

    But finding them isn't easy

    Marshall beat me to this, but my solution anyway

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_test (@Name varchar(255))

    RETURNS varchar(255)



    DECLARE @result varchar(255)

    SELECT @result = COALESCE(@result + ',' + CAST([ID] as varchar), CAST([ID] as varchar))

    FROM [Table1]

    WHERE [Name] = @Name


    RETURN @result


    SELECT [Name], dbo.udf_test([Name])

    FROM (SELECT [Name] FROM [Table1] GROUP BY [Name]) a

    ORDER BY [Name] ASC

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • SELECT [Name], dbo.udf_test([Name])

    FROM (SELECT [Name] FROM [Table1] GROUP BY [Name]) a

    ORDER BY [Name] ASC



    Why did you do an Alias here?  You didn't have a reference to it in the select.  Is this necessary, or just good general syntax?

  • quote Why did you do an Alias here?

    SQL Server requires sub queries to be aliased, you will get an error otherwise

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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