Concatenating two columns to make a reference and include the date and time

  • Hi

    I would like to create a select statement which abstracts certain information from a table called ‘Product’ based on criteria. For example, a where clause which returns only the number of rows where weeks are equal to 1.

    I then want in the results to create a new column called reference and based on the results from vendor and Shipto i want to use those values to create a reference and attach a name at the beginning and date and time at the end.

    For Example

    Table 1


    --Create Table Product

    CREATE TABLE Product(

    Vendor [varchar] (10) null,

    Shipto [varchar] (10)null,

    Weeks [varchar] (10)null,

    Product[varchar] (10)null,

    Amount [int] null


    -- Drop Table Product

    Drop table Product

    --Insert Data into Product Table

    INSERT INTO dbo.Product

    VALUES('454638','CA','1','Hard Drive',100)

    INSERT INTO dbo.Product


    INSERT INTO dbo.Product


    INSERT INTO dbo.Product


    INSERT INTO dbo.Product


    INSERT INTO dbo.Product


    INSERT INTO dbo.Product


    INSERT INTO dbo.Product


    INSERT INTO dbo.Product


    INSERT INTO dbo.Product


    -- Select all the information from the Product Table

    SELECT * FROM Product

    -- My attempt so far

    SELECT(P.Vendor +'_' +P.ShipTo+'_'+GETDATE()) as Reference






    FROM Product P

    WHERE P.Weeks='1';

    --- How i would like my results to look

    --- I basically want to include Plo at the beginning and the current date and time at the end(Reference Column)

    --- I'm thinking maybe i need to create a temp table insert Plo and join it onto the Product Table is this a correct way or is there a easier one???


    Reference Vendor Shipto Weeks Product Amount

    Plo_454638_CA_0933 454638 CA 1 Beer 100

    Plo_6473839_GU_0933 6473839 GU 1 Cables 89



    Can someone help me construct this query please

    Many thanks in advance

    Steve J
    Jnr Developer

  • Look at Books Online about the SELECT statement and using and subselect.

    Essentially, you will use your SELECT as a table and join it to the other tables:

    select t1.field1, P.fieldname


    (select 'PLO'+convert(varchar(12),datetime,101) as Field1, ProductCode

    from mytable

    where week = '1') as T1

    join Products P on t1.productcode = p.productcode

    When you realize you've dug yourself into a hole....Step 1...stop digging.

  • Something like this?

    SELECT 'Plo_' + Vendor + '_' + Shipto + '_' + CONVERT(CHAR(5),GETDATE(),108),


    FROM dbo.Product p

    WHERE Weeks = '1'

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • select vendor





    ,vendor + '_' + shipto + '_' + CONVERT(varchar(20), current_timestamp) as Reference

    from product

    where weeks = 1

    thanks for the DDL scripts.

    Is this close to what you needed?

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  • Phil , Calvo, Chaz many thanks for your reply

    Phil , Calvo both of your were nearly right, from your scripts i was able to construct what i needed


    SELECT 'Plo_'+ P.Vendor + '_' + P.Shipto + '_' + CONVERT(char(5), GETDATE(),108) AS Reference






    FROM dbo.Product P

    WHERE P.Weeks = 1[/Code]

    Once again thank you both for your help

    Steve J
    Jnr Developer

  • Does anyone know how i can create an AUTO INCREMENT column WITHOUT incorporating it when creating a table.

    The same results I posted above but create another column lets say called ID and each row is incremented by 00010 so row 1 would be 00010 and row 2 00020

    So this is how I would like the results to be

    Reference ID Vendor Shipto Weeks Product Amount

    Plo_454638_CA_0933 00010 454638 CA 1 Beer 100

    Plo_6473839_GU_0933 00020 6473839 GU 1 Cables 89

    Anyone help me construct a statement to achieve this?

    Steve J
    Jnr Developer

  • Check out Row_Number() function in BOL - it may give you what you need, with a bit of tweaking to get formatting and order how you want:

    Select 10 * ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Vendor)

    etc etc

    the ORDER BY bit controls where the numbering starts. If you need the leading zeros, there's more work to be done.

    Of course, this means that if you run the query in the morning and then in the afternoon, it is likely that the same row will have a different row number. The best way of avoiding that is using something like ORDER BY CreateDate.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

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