Concatinate row values in a column

  • DECLARE @lTable TABLE (LastName varchar(100), City varchar(100))

    insert into @lTable values ('Gates', 'Chicago')

    insert into @lTable values ('Woods', 'Chicago')

    insert into @lTable values ('Winslow', 'New York')

    insert into @lTable values ('Rock', 'Dallas')

    insert into @lTable values ('Giant', 'Las Vegas')

    insert into @lTable values ('Woods', 'Dallas')

    insert into @lTable values ('Gates', 'Miami')

    insert into @lTable values ('Woods', 'Los Angeles')

    Here is what I am trying to do. I need to concatinate the city for the same LastName.

    Result Set:

    Woods -- Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles

    Gates -- Chicago, Miami

    Winslow -- New York

    Rock -- Dallas

    Is it possible in a single query?



  • I did this with a Function, so it needed a physical table for lTable. 

    CREATE TABLE dbo.lTable( LastName varchar(100), City varchar(100))

    INSERT INTO lTable VALUES( 'Gates', 'Chicago')

    INSERT INTO lTable VALUES( 'Woods', 'Chicago')

    INSERT INTO lTable VALUES( 'Winslow', 'New York')

    INSERT INTO lTable VALUES( 'Rock', 'Dallas')

    INSERT INTO lTable VALUES( 'Giant', 'Las Vegas')

    INSERT INTO lTable VALUES( 'Woods', 'Dallas')

    INSERT INTO lTable VALUES( 'Gates', 'Miami')

    INSERT INTO lTable VALUES( 'Woods', 'Los Angeles')



    CREATE FUNCTION  dbo.GetCities( @LastName varchar(100))

    RETURNS varchar(7900)



         DECLARE @Cities varchar(7900)

         SET @Cities = ''

         SELECT @Cities = CASE

                                              WHEN @Cities = ''

                                              THEN RTRIM( City)

                                              ELSE @Cities + ', ' + RTRIM( City)


         FROM dbo.lTable

         WHERE LastName = @LastName

         ORDER BY City

         RETURN( @Cities)




    DECLARE @Output TABLE( LastName varchar(100), Cities varchar(7900))

    INSERT INTO @Output( LastName) SELECT DISTINCT LastName FROM dbo.lTable

    UPDATE @Output SET

         Cities = dbo.GetCities( LastName)

    SELECT LastName + ' -- ' + Cities FROM @Output

    DROP FUNCTION dbo.GetCities

    DROP TABLE dbo.lTable

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Thanks Farrell for the solution. But is there a way to do this in a single query.

  • Sure.  Just drop the @OutPut table, (I should have done that from the beginning):

    CREATE TABLE dbo.lTable( LastName varchar(100), City varchar(100))

    INSERT INTO lTable VALUES( 'Gates', 'Chicago')

    INSERT INTO lTable VALUES( 'Woods', 'Chicago')

    INSERT INTO lTable VALUES( 'Winslow', 'New York')

    INSERT INTO lTable VALUES( 'Rock', 'Dallas')

    INSERT INTO lTable VALUES( 'Giant', 'Las Vegas')

    INSERT INTO lTable VALUES( 'Woods', 'Dallas')

    INSERT INTO lTable VALUES( 'Gates', 'Miami')

    INSERT INTO lTable VALUES( 'Woods', 'Los Angeles')



    CREATE FUNCTION  dbo.GetCities( @LastName varchar(100))

    RETURNS varchar(7900)



         DECLARE @Cities varchar(7900)

         SET @Cities = ''

         SELECT @Cities = CASE

                                              WHEN @Cities = ''

                                              THEN RTRIM( City)

                                              ELSE @Cities + ', ' + RTRIM( City)


         FROM dbo.lTable

         WHERE LastName = @LastName

         ORDER BY City

         RETURN( @Cities)




    SELECT DISTINCT LastName + ' -- ' + dbo.GetCities( LastName) FROM lTable

    DROP FUNCTION dbo.GetCities

    DROP TABLE dbo.lTable

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Thanks much Farrel, that worked great for me!

  • Glad I could help.  Thanks for replying from another post! 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

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