Conditional Measure in DAX

  • Hi all,

    I have a measure that is a running total in a selected Month, as shown below;

    CumulativeCount:=TOTALMTD(COUNTA('ConsolidatedFiles'[DiligentaCode]),'- EffectiveAccountingDate'[DateKey])

    I need to add a condition on this based on another column (named AdminSystem). I basically want the following;

    IF AdminSystem = 'TB'

    THEN TOTALMTD(COUNTA('ConsolidatedFiles'[DiligentaCode]),'- EffectiveAccountingDate'[DateKey])

    ELSE COUNTA('ConsolidatedFiles'[DiligentaCode])

    Is there any way this can be done in DAX?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Quick and dirty way

    Create a new computed calculated column in your fact table based on the condition you have specified. Now create any new measure based on the newly created column in the fact table

    Raunak J

  • What would I put in the computed column? I can't put the TOTALMTD function can I?

  • Did you look into creating a Calculated Member?

    Alvin Ramard
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  • I don't know what to put in the Calculated Member though?

  • This isn't quite there but may help you to get closer. I'm new to DAX also. My idea was to add an additional filter to your calculate statement with an or condition. I have a calculated column that is very similar but the columns are in the same table in my case.

    =CALCULATE(COUNTA('ConsolidatedFiles'[DiligentaCode]), [AdminSystem] = "TB" || '- EffectiveAccountingDate'[DateKey] = '- EffectiveAccountingDate'[DateKey], DATESMTD('- EffectiveAccountingDate'[DateKey]))

    This part of my statement is incorrect:

    [AdminSystem] = "TB" || '- EffectiveAccountingDate'[DateKey] = '- EffectiveAccountingDate'[DateKey]

    I think you could build a Filter() on this. Someone with more experience may be able to help.

  • Thanks for that, but I'm struggling to get it to work!

    I've tried to use this SWITCH() statement..

    CountMeasure:=SWITCH (TRUE (),FIRSTNONBLANK ( 'ConsolidatedFiles'[AdminSystem], TRUE () ) = "TB", CountA ( [DiligentaCode] ),FIRSTNONBLANK ('ConsolidatedFiles'[AdminSystem], TRUE () )<> "TB", TOTALMTD(COUNTA('ConsolidatedFiles'[DiligentaCode]), '- EffectiveAccountingDate'[DateKey]))

    This works when there is a 'TB' record for a selected date, however, when there isn't the total count of rows up to that date is returned.

    So for example, this is what my table would look like..

    AdminSystem DiligentaCode Date

    TB ABC123 01/01/2015

    TB ABC124 01/01/2015

    TB ABC125 02/01/2015

    AA ABC126 01/01/2015

    AA ABC127 02/01/2015

    AA ABC128 03/01/2015

    AA ABC129 03/01/2015

    AA ABC130 03/01/2015

    TB ABC131 04/01/2015

    I'd put the Admin System in Rows in a pivot table, an have the Date as a filter/slicer. I'd then create my measure by counting the DiligentaCode column. I want the measure to work as follows;

    - If I filter the date to 01/01/2015, I want to return a count of 2 for TB and a count of 1 for AA.

    - If I filter the date to 02/01/2015, I want to return a count of 1 for TB and a count of 2 for AA (which is cumulative for the month)

    - If I filter the date to 03/01/2015, I want to return nothing for TB as a row doesn't exist for this date, and a count of 5 for AA (cumulative)

    - If I filter the date to 04/01/2015, I want to return a count of 1 for TB and a count of 5 for AA

    I hope this makes sense! I feel like I'm so close, however I need to make sure the TB count is related to the date selected, whereas all the other types are cumulative for the month.

  • Anyone?

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