Conducting a SQL Server Operational Audit

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the content posted at

  • This was a very practical lesson, will be used. Thanks!

  • A great article.  Glad to see there are others out there using the SQL Server Operations Guide.  I was looking for something to tie the Operations Guide together and summarise findings, this approach is ideal and I will be implementing a similar document, also thanks for the sample document, very helpful.

    One small point I think that needs to be made (or highlighted if i missed it) is like any documentation it must be kept up to date, and strictly maintained to be of any use in teh future.

    Thanks again,


  • I feel compelled to point out that the Power Point deck and MOF are both derived from ITIL (


    If you read the intro to MOF you'll see a "credit" given.


    Checklists are after the fact, planning is before.  Logs (audits/reviews/assessments) are "during".  Keep that in mind when you are the one whose tail is on the line to upper management for your IT operations...



  • Great piece of work Chad!


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