Configuring alerts for operators

  • Since you can only email one operator when a SQL Job fails I am trying to configure alerts to notify multiple operators.

    Basically, I ran the following to create a new error

    sp_addmessage 50001, 16, N'Job Failed.'

    I then configured a new alert and specified error number 50001, and selected my operator account in the response screen.

    I then ran

    RAISERROR (50001, 16, 1)

    I get the message:

    Msg 50001, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Job Failed.

    However, it is not triggering my alert. When I go to the history screen of my alert is shows the number of occurrences to be 0. Does anyone have any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

  • My technique (SQL Server 2005) to capture all alerts using SQL Tokens and emailing the message.

    Configure the alert and on Response select "Execute a job" the Raise Alert Error job.

    Create a new job: called "Raise Alert Error".   Make this the first step of the job.


    create a stored procedure to send an email.  Modify the stored procedure to use smtp mail or sqlmail.  This format is for SQL Server 2005.



    proc [dbo].[SendSQLAlert] (

    @Server as varchar(20),


    as varchar(50),@Message as varchar(1000),


    as varchar(100),@DBName as varchar(100)




    @Subject varchar(500)


    @Body varchar(1000)


    @Body = @Error + '


    + @Message + '


    + @Machine


    @Subject = @Server + ' ' + @DBName




    = 'whateverl',


    = ';',


    = @Subject,


    = @Body

  • After reading your message again, I realize I didn't answer it.  Am not going to delete my post, but I am going to get your answer. 

  • see if this helps.  This code looks at a queue table for records that have been sitting in queue longer than 5 minutes.  If it finds a record, it raises an error and sends emails.


    Declare @nRet int

      Select @nRet= count(*)

         from  table (nolock)


        DATEDIFF(minute, lastmodified, getdate()) > 5


      If @nRet > 0

         RAISERROR ('System has halted. Please investigate ASAP.', 16, 1)


    (this steps is in response to: If the job fails)

    Email Failure

    exec master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail

        @FROM       = N'',

        @FROM_NAME  ="[SRVR]" ,

        @TO         = N',',

        @priority   = N'High',

        @message   = 'Paging has Halted.  Please Investigate ASAP',

        @server = N'',   

        @Subject    = 'Paging has Halted.  Please Investigate ASAP.'


    Raise SNMP Trap (CmdExec)

    opcmsg sev=critical app="OS" obj=sql msg_text="Paging has Halted.  Please Investigate ASAP"

  • I believe what I'm trying to do should be completely supported. Basically I'll have steps in a job. If any of the steps fail they will go to a step that will RAISERROR and then the job will end. The configured alerts are supposed to catch that that error was raised and email the operators that are configured. I posted my steps in my original post, the error appears to be raised correctly, however the alert is not being triggered when that error is raised.

  • Try using the "with log" option when you raise the error, e.g. "RAISERROR (50001, 16, 1) WITH LOG".  I don't remember exactly why it works, but this seems to be necessary for triggering alerts (something about the alert only "seeing" the error when it's written to the log).


  • That did the trick. Thank you so much, it's been frustrating the heck out of me.

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