Connecting to SQL 2005 via Crystal Reports issues

  • I have created a readonly login for the purpose of connecting through Crystal Reports. When I get into Crystal Reports using readonly, no databases appear in the dropdown list. I have done some testing and found that the databases appear if I add readonly to the sysadmin Server Role. I do not want to give readonly all rights, is there another way to make this work without granting sysadmin rights?

    The "read only" login has the following properties

    - General

    SQL Server Authentication

    Default database - Master

    -Server Roles


    -User Mapping

    Users Mapped to this login: all databases checked

    Role membership: db_accessadmin, db_datareader, public




    Permission to connect to database Engine: Grant

    Login: Enabled

    All help is appreciated.

  • Seems strange. I have a nearly identical setup, but it works for me (using a SQL Server authentication rather than Windows authentication).

    The login should not need any server role membership other than public. This grants enough rights to enumerate the databases on the system. Within the database, the user has db_datareader access (depending on your security requirements, this sort of thing can be tightened up using user-defined db roles).

    Have you tried running SQL Profiler to determine exactly what it is that Crystal is trying to do?

    Scott Duncan

    MARCUS. Why dost thou laugh? It fits not with this hour.
    TITUS. Why, I have not another tear to shed;
    --Titus Andronicus, William Shakespeare

  • I have a similar setup with a SQL Server 2000 database server.

    User: readonly


    SQL Server Authentication

    Default database - Master

    -Server Roles


    -User Mapping

    Users Mapped to this login: all databases checked

    Role membership: db_datareader, public



    -Explicit Permissions


    When connection to Crystal, what method are you using? Crystal Reports Developer or are you using Crystal Objects via Visual Studio 2003 or 2005, etc? There is also ODBC vs. OLE DB as well.


  • This same setup works fine for me on all my SQL 2000 servers, but this is the first SQL 2005 that I've connected through via Crystal Reports. I created the ODBC using the System DSN and I am connecting via Crystal Reports 9.0 and 10.0. I am having the same issue using both versions. The only way that the databases will populate is if I add the server role "sysadmin" to my readonly login.

    Also, when creating the ODBC on the server, I used the sa password, but that has never made a difference before.


  • With the ODBC/DSN settings, I would recommend that you use the "readonly" account as well. By using the "sa" credentials in the DSN you are circumventing the security that is in place for the "readonly" user.

    The DSN's configured in my environment all use the "readonly" account (which is a SQL Authenticated User) and do not have issues "seeing" databases.


  • I believe the default schema of the "read only" account is not the same schema where all your tables are loaded. Open the read only user from the Database user node and check the default schema (in that database).

    You've probably need to set the default schema to DBO and it will work.

    Good luck


  • I don't think that will help - the problem is the databases aren't available to be selected, let alone getting to the table level.

    Scott Duncan

    MARCUS. Why dost thou laugh? It fits not with this hour.
    TITUS. Why, I have not another tear to shed;
    --Titus Andronicus, William Shakespeare

  • Scott, I have no problem with Crystal 10 and a SQL 2005 / OLE DB data source, I can see the databases just fine.

    I also have no problem viewing the database with an ODBC system DSN.

    The only time I've had trouble is when the default schema is not DBO.

    - Doug


  • Thanks for all the help guys. Changing the Default schema to DBO resolved the problem. Thanks again.

  • Thanks for the reply, I was getting curious.

    Best of luck


  • I'm having a similar problem, except that my default schema is not dbo because the tables are owned by a different schema. With this setup crystal does not seem to be able to connect to any tables. Even though the user's default schema is set to the same schema that owns the database tables.

  • That's a bummer. It sounds like Crystal can't find them unless they are owned by DBO. Have your run a SQL profiler trace to see what its trying to do?

    Good Luck


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